The beginning of American
literature American has always been a land of beginnings. After Europeans " discovered" America in the fifteenth century, the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine hope of a new life, an escape from poverty and persecution, a chance to start again. We can say that, as a nation, America begins with that hope. When, however, does American literature begin American literature begins with American experiences. Long before the first colonists arrived, before Christopher Columbus, before the Northmen who found America about year 1,000, Native Americans lived here. Each tribe’s literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and reflected the unmistakably (不会弄错的) American experience of A. in the early days most American writers were from Great Britain. B. people with rich life experience became writers. C. there were many writers in the early days of American history. D. early-day experience provided the foundation for American literature. [简答题]油在使用过程中,经过搅拌、振动使空气进入润滑油中产生气泡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 透平复水系统控制水温<60℃的目的是( )
A.防止复水泵汽蚀 B.防止真空度低于控制指标 C.防止透平联锁停车 D.防止发生液击 [单选题](67330)管道包封混凝土在常温情况下养护时间为()小时,冬季施工应加保温措施。(1.0分)
A.8小时 B.12小时 C.24小时 D.16小时 [判断题]在将断路器合入有永久性故障时跳闸回路中的跳跃闭锁继电器不起作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,承运人应当对承运的行李、包裹自接受承运时起到交付时止发生的灭失、短少、变质、污染或者损坏,承担赔偿责任。但因下列哪些原因造成的行李、包裹损失,承运人不承担责任?
A.不可抗力 B.物品本身的自然属性或合理损耗 C.包装方法或容器不良,从外部观察不能发现或无规定的安全标志时 D.托运人、收货人违反铁路规章或其他自身的过错 [单选题]《技术质量管理手册》规定,()编制对施工作业班组的技术交底并组织交底,使施工操作人员真正了解施工方法和工序质量标准。 。
A.专业工程师 B.项目总工 C.技术工程师 D.项目经理 [不定项选择题]当创伤应激严重时,给予肠外营养物质的热氮比应调整为
A.NPC7:3 B.NPC5:5 C.150kcal:1gN D.100kcal:1gN E.24-32kcal/(kg·d) [单项选择]承包商一定会明确固定的开始时间与结束时间,一旦按期结束项目即已完成,而不会周而复始地进行,这体现了项目的( )。
A. 渐进的不断完善的周期性 B. 特定目标的唯一性 C. 临时的一次性 D. 不确定性或风险 [多选题]学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,必须牢牢把握立党为公、执政为民,这是衡量有没有真正学懂、是不是真心实践“三个代表”重要思想最重要的标志,实现立党为公、执政为民必须( )。
A.落实到各级领导干部的思想和行动中去 B.落实到关心群众生产生活的工作中去 C.落实到党和国家制定和实施方针政策的工作中去 D.落实到全社会建设中国特色社会主义的实践中去 [简答题]什么是转子惰走时间?
A.尺骨头 B.肱骨小头 C.腕骨 D.肱骨鹰嘴窝 E.肱骨滑车 [单项选择]1878年5月,俾斯麦提交的“反对社会民主党企图危害治安的法令”草案遭到帝国议会否决。不久,按照俾斯麦的要求,联邦议会解散了帝国议会并重新选举。10月19日,新一届帝国议会以221票对3149票通过了该法令,经皇帝批准,21日起法令生效。这件事反映了当时德意志帝国()
A. 首相有权解散帝国议会 B. 帝国议会的立法权受行政权控制 C. 首相只对帝国议会负责 D. 皇帝只有形式上批准法律的权力 [多选题]对于收入增长率,下列表述中正确的有( )。
A.它是评价企业成长状况和发展能力的重要指标 B.收入增长率不会受到一些偶然的和非正常的因素的影响 C.企业应收账款增长率大于企业收入增长率,表明企业应收账款管理存在问题 D.收入增长率为正数,则说明企业本期销售规模增加;收入增长率为负数,则说明企业销售规模减小,销售出现负增长,则说明销售情况较差 E.资产重组、外汇汇率变动以及会计政策或会计估计变更也可能会带来收入的增加 [判断题]空压机扳键开关置“强泵”位,空气压缩机1、2均投入工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]常用的销有()。
A.圆锥销 B.圆柱销 C.长销 D.短销 [单选题]AA014 一般来讲,滚动摩擦和滑动摩擦相比,摩擦力( )。
A.要小 B.一样 C.要大 D.大小无法确定 [单项选择]驾驶汽车在进出隧道时应注意什么?
A. 开启远光灯 B. 适当提高车速 C. 关闭近光灯 D. 提前降低车速 [判断题]中国证监会派出机构按照中国证监会统一部署组织实施辖区内的公司检查工作。( )
[单项选择] Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers compare and contrast 【B1】 places on the earth. But they also 【B2】 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 【B3】 The word geography 【B4】 from two Greek words, “ge”, the Greek word for "earth" and “graphein”, 【B5】 means "to write". The English word geography means "to describe the earth" 【B6】 geography books focus on a small area 【B7】 a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an 【B8】 continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another 【B9】 to divide the study of 【B10】 is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the 【B11】 starts with human beings and 【B12】 how human beings and their environment act 【B13】 each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, 【B14】 branch can neglect the other.
A geographer might be described 【B15】 one who observes, records, and explains
A. learns B. realizes C. studies D. understands [多选题] 大学生的品德教育就是要回归现实生活,要从现实出发,()。
A.贴近现实: B.贴近生活; C.贴近课堂; D.贴近大学生 [单选题]答:常用加固方法有( )、挡木或钢挡加固、围挡加固、掩挡加固、腰箍下压式加固、整体捆绑等。
A.拉牵加固 B.焊接加固 C.整体下压加固 D.串联 [单项选择]测定不易碎的固体药品的熔点,中国药典采用第几法( )
A. 第一法 B. 第二法 C. 第三法 D. 第四法 E. 第五法 [简答题]简述元代“旨”这一文种的使用。
[单项选择]Without Customs approval, no unit or individual may pick up or forward goods ______.
A. at Customs control B. in Customs control C. under Customs control D. for Customs control [单选题]关于航空货物的安全检查,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.进入航空货物控制区的航空货物应当接受安全检查 B.航空货物托运人应当主动向安检机构提交航空货物运输文件 C.对不接受安全检查的,安检机构不得放行 D.未提供规定所要求的航空货物运输文件的,安检机构可以放行 [简答题]绒球
A. 脾脏被膜下出血 B. 横结肠癌 C. 肾上腺肿物 D. 十二指肠憩室 E. 胰腺假性囊肿 [单项选择](1)
When the brash British raider Sir James Goldsmith calculated that U. S. timberland was a tempting prize, he launched a $500-million bid to take over San Francisco’s Crown Zellerbach paper company in order to grab the corporation’s vast forests. As a result, Goldsmith owns 1.9 million acres of forests in Washington State, Oregon, Mississippi and Louisiana.
The United States seems to have become a country for sale. Foreign ownership in the United States, including everything from real estate to securities, rose to a remarkable $ 1.33 trillion last year, up 25.5 percent from the previous year. Foreign investors now own 46 percent of the commercial real estate in downtown Los Angeles, 39 percent in downtown Houston, 32 percent in downtown Minneapolis and 21 percent in downtown Manhattan.
Esteemed U. S. corporate nameplates have been changing citizenship at a rapid clip. Smith & Wesson handguns have gone to the British. General Electric television sets have been bought by
A. in downtown San Francisco B. in downtown Houston C. in downtown Manhattan D. in downtown Minneapolis [简答题]源于日语的马杀鸡的意思是?
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