请问最可能的诊断是()。 Journalists who write about families as
well as social and cultural issues can count on receiving an annual barrage of
public relations pitches for Valentine’s Day. The PR blitz begins right after
Christmas and continues almost until the big day itself. Daily, sometimes
hourly, e-mails pop up on my computer screen, as publicity agents propose
stories on a variety of love-rated subjects. Some suggest traditional topics. How about interviewing the author of a new book on how to find the perfect mate Or what about a story offering ideas on the best gifts to give to your heartthrob Other suggestions take a thoroughly modern approach to romance. Publicists would be happy to provide information about the newest matchmaking website or the hottest dating coach. There’s even a "psychic medium" who promises to tell radio and television audiences about their A. (A) serves as a concluding remark summarizing the main idea of the passage B. (B) is used as a contrast to the prevailing practice of Valentine’s Day celebration C. (C) shows the author’s belief in human yearning for love and companionship D. (D) is used as a fierce attack against the changing human relationship [多选题]下列各项中,属于使用“平衡计分卡”分析所采用维度的有( )。
A.企业组织结构 B.内部业务流程 C.客户 D.学习与成长 [简答题]会计核算方法包括哪些内容?
[单选题]公开发行和定向发行的证券公司债券每份面值分别为( )元和( )元。
A.5050万 B.10050万 C.50100万 D.100100万 [单项选择]根据国家赔偿法的规定,下列哪些属于国家不予赔偿的情形
A. 某地政府为挽救当地一濒临倒闭的国有企业,强令另一企业与该国企订立定购合同,该企业不服,政府将其银行账户冻结,造成营业损失 B. 税务局工作人员钱某与个体户赵某素有嫌隙,以赵某偷税为名借税务局名义没收其价值5000元财物 C. 工商局张某骑自行车上班途中与人相撞,发生争执后将人打伤 D. 狱警梁某的朋友被犯人陆某打伤,梁某指使同监犯人将陆某打伤 [单选题]以下哪个方剂可用于消谷善饥
A.导赤散 B.玉女煎 C.凉膈散 D.小建中汤 E.一贯煎 我来回答: 提交