下列哪项不是它的特点( )进口货物报检和报关操作
在进口跟单时,跟单员应该是先办理进口货物报检,还是先办理进口货物报关手续? A couple of years ago a group of
management scholars from Yale and the University of Pittsburgh tried to discover
if there was a link between a company’s success and the personality of its boss.
To work out what that personality was, they asked senior managers to score their
bosses for such traits as an ability to communicate an exciting vision of the
future or to stand as a good model for others to follow. When the data were
analyzed, the researchers found no evidence of a connection between how well a
firm was doing and what its boss was like. As far as they could tell, a company
could not be judged by its chief executive any better than a book could be
judged by its cover. A few years before this, however, a team of psychologists from Tufts University, led by Nalini Ambady, discovered that when peop A. prove senior managers like talking nonsense. B. demonstrate the development of the research. C. generally agree with the scholars in Yale University. D. denigrate the work of the former researchers. [多项选择]要想面试能顺利进行,一般面试指南包括( )。
A. 面试团队的组建 B. 面试准备 C. 面试提问分工和顺序 D. 面试评分办法 E. 面试提问技巧 [单选题] ( ) 2015年8月1日起实施的车辆分公司《安全生产责任制细则》中规定,车辆分公司生产计划部的安全生产责任之一是进行( )安全教育,对规定范围内的各种不安全行为和违章进行处罚。
A.不定期性 B.偶发性 C.反复性 D.经常性 [多选题]配电线路、设备检修,在显示屏上断路器(开关)或隔离开关(刀闸)的操作处应设置()标记。
A.“止步,高压危险!” B.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” C.“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!” D.“禁止分闸!” [简答题]甲企业与乙企业达成口头协议,由乙企业在半年之内供应甲企业50吨钢材。三个月后,乙企业以原定钢材价格过低为由要求加价,并提出,如果甲企业表示同意,双方立即签订书面合同,否则,乙企业将不能按期供货。甲企业表示反对,并声称,如乙企业到期不履行协议,将向法院起诉。
试分析: 1.此案中,双方当事人达成的口头协议有无法律效力 [名词解释]几何像差
[单项选择]According to the passage the new telephone communication system ______.
A. has been put into actual use B. was put into actual use in 1977 C. was put on experiment in 1977 D. had been repeatedly experimented on before 1977 我来回答: 提交