Hazardous products are being pushed on
the Third World in increasing volume. There are many examples of these:
pharmaceutical (处方的) drugs, contraceptives (避孕药) and pesticides banned years ago
in Europe, America, or Japan but sold by companies of these same countries to
the Third World; cigarettes with a far higher tar(焦油) and nicotine contents than
in the rich countries. The health effects on Third World peoples are
terrible. The hazardous technologies and products imported from the industrialized countries often displace local technologies and products that may be more appropriate to meet the production and consumption needs of the Third World. Labor intensive technologies that provide employment for the community and are in harmony with the environment are replaced with capital intensive modern technologies that in man A. the Third World needs industrialized countries’ help to meet their needs B. modem technologies and products replace the old ones in the Third World C. technologies and products from industrialized countries are more suitable to the Third World D. home-grown technologies and products may be more suitable to the Third World [填空题]四冲程柴油机第四冲程是( )过程。
[单选题]X6132型万能铣床主轴制动时,元件动作顺序为:SB1(或SB2)按钮动作→KM1、M1失电→( )常闭触点闭合→YC1得电。
A.KM1 B.KM2 C.KM3 D.KM4 [单项选择]10kV及以上电压等级线路的导线截面被磨损时,在()范围以内可不作处理。
A. 0.05 B. 0.07 C. 0.08 D. 0.1 [单选题]素质教育的实施对象是( )。
A.中小学教育 B.幼儿教育、中小学教育 C.幼儿教育、中小学教育、高等教育 D.幼儿教育、中小学教育、职业教育、成人教育、高等教育 [判断题]线路设备修理应改进检测方法,推行信息化技术,优化劳动组织,健全并严格执行安全管理和检查验收制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]获取信贷风险预警信息的途径有()。
A. 全面收集借款人的有关信息 B. 收集与借款人相关的第三方的重要信息 C. 密切关注宏观调控等外部环境信息 D. 认真学习信贷政策,定期整理分析档案资料 E. 黑客攻击借款人数据库寻找信息 [判断题]企业对本单位安全生产和职业健康工作负全面责任,要严格履行安全生产法定责任,建立健全自我约束、持续改进的内生机制。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交