In business, if not politics, the world has
quietened down a bit: the number of spectacular bankruptcies, indictments,
scandals, and implosions is not as high as it was in 2001 and 2002. Although
executives still have to face a global slowdown, the uncertain effects of the
war in Iraq, and the still fresh confusion over SARS, they might now be excused
a deep breath and a look at aspects of their businesses that may have been
neglected in the scramble to stay on top of new accounting laws and restated
earnings. One area to start catching up on is knowledge. This is tree both personally, as executives work out whether or not they are staying on top A. announce new programs in knowledge management. B. give some advice about knowledge management. C. introduce a book concerning knowledge management. D. suggest the best place to study knowledge management. [多选题]大额存单到期可通过()或()等方式实现。
A.自动兑付 B.柜面办理 C.申请后兑付 D.授权后兑付 [判断题]发车信号收回时机为列车启动前。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下属于收费视频监视系统监视方式的是( )。
A. 路段收费分中心 B. 收费站 C. 铁道部监控中心 D. 动态显示 E. 交通部监控中心 [判断题] ()电控发动机怠速不稳的故障现象是发动机转速忽高忽低。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]传统的宪法分类主要有几种?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]评标委员会按规定请投标人对不明确做出澄清的内容作为( )的组成部分。
A. 协议书 B. 专用条件 C. 通用条件 D. 投标书 [判断题]5.运营期间突发情况时,各涉及专业须立即组织人员赶赴现场进 行抢险作业,作业负责人由第一个赶到现场的专业担当。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]临床乳房检查的最主要的方法是
A. 望诊 B. 触诊 C. 乳房透照 D. 乳腺X线检查 E. 乳房CT检查 [判断题]视在功率S常用来表征设备的额定容量,并标在铭牌上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]丁二烯产品精馏塔开车初期对叔丁基邻苯二酚的加入时间为()。
A. 开车前 B. 进料时 C. 加热时 D. 回流泵启动时 [单选题]键的剖面尺寸通常是根据( )按标准选择。
A.传递转矩的大小 B.传递功率的大小 C.)轮毂的长度 D. 轴的直径 [判断题]( )572.企业与项目部签订的经济承包合同中要有安全生产指标和文明施工内容并与经济利益挂钩。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交