To try to bring context back, Hueter
and Burgess teamed with NOAA and Sea Grant to hold a press conference in the
spring of 2002 at the National Press Club. "We wanted to try to get the press to
adopt some rules of engagement," Hueter says. "We wanted them to calm hysteria,
use perspective and write more articles not focusing on attack." Burgess and Hueter stress sharks’ importance in the ecological balance and health of the oceans, which depend on complex food webs involving every sea creature. Just like apex land predators, sharks are important in that balance. "They’re a top predator and few in number," Hunter says. "When they’re eliminated, there’s nothing to fill in that place." More than 100 million sharks are killed each year by fishermen, which can devastate certain species that grow slo A. They are apex carnivores and reduced in numbers. B. They are killed and few in numbers. C. They are certain species that grow slowly. D. They are flesh-eating animals and kill other sea creatures. [单项选择]耕地占用税加成征税中,对于经济特区、经济技术开发区和经济发达、人均耕地特别少的地区,适用税额可以适当提高,但最高不得超过规定税额的( )。
A. 20% B. 30% C. 40% D. 50% [单选题]将腹膜腔划分为结肠上区和结肠下区的是( )
A.横结肠系膜 B.肠系膜 C.阑尾系膜 D.乙状结肠系膜 E.子宫系膜 [判断题]按照消防车辆的总质量分类,常用消防车辆可以分为轻型消防车、中型消防车、重型消防车三类。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在切割直线槽时,由于线槽盖和底槽是配对的,一般不宜分别处理线槽盖和底槽。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列属于网络信息资源具体形式的有()
A. 文本 B. 图形 C. 视频 D. 声频 [单选题]生产经营单位应急预案不包括()
A.综合应急预案 B.专项应急预案 C.年度应急预案 [判断题]消防部门与行业协会、中介组织彻底脱钩。取消消防部门与消防行业协会的主办、主管、联系和挂靠关系,做到职能、人员、财务完全分离。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电缆施工项目负责人在接受工程项目后,应消化设计图纸,会同( )到现场实地查看,了解现场施工条件,进行初步施工方案准备。
A.签发人; B.施工单位; C.业主; D.监理 [判断题]飞行区管理部负责建设单位及施工单位人员消防、空防安全培训并制作培训课件;
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 起重作业应根据吊运物件的结构及( )要求配备起重设备。
A.特殊 B.一般 [多项选择]国家承认包括政府承认,但严格意义上的政府承认只指______。
A. 对于一国经宪法程序而进行的政府变动的承认 B. 对于既存国家内部通过政变或革命产生出来的新政府的承认 C. 对于国家的国际法律人格的承认 D. 包括A和B [多选题]多选题:十号线每侧站台站台门的( )滑动门之间设置应急门。
A.第2、3号 B.第10、11号 C.第14、15号 D.第22、23号 我来回答: 提交