M: Are you feeling alright, Jane You look pretty tired.
W: My sister and I had a birthday party for my brother last night. I didn’t get much sleep.
M: Where did you have the party
W: It was at my aunt’s house. Then right after the party I had to start typing the history paper. I had to hand it in first thing this morning. I was kind of nervous because the professor said he wouldn’t accept any late papers.
M: I don’t know how you do it. I can’t handle a-pressure situation like that.
W: Well, I just turned the paper in. and now I’m going home for sleep. See you later.
Energy will be one of the defining issues of this century. One thing is clear: the era of easy oil is over. What we all do next will (1) how well we meet the energy needs of the entire world in this century and (2) .
Demand is (3) like never before. As populations grow and economies take (4) millions in the developing world are enjoying the (5) of a lifestyle that requires increasing amounts of energy. (6) , some say that in 20 years the world will (7) 40% more oil and gas fields are maturing. And new energy (8) are mainly occurring in places where resources are difficult to (9) , physically, economically and even politically. When growing demand meets tighter supplies, the result is more (10) for the same resources.
We can wait (11) a crisis forces us to do something. Or we can (12) to working together, and start by asking the tough questions: How do we meet the energy needs of th
A. as
B. so
C. too
D. such
There seem to be two main reasons that
women cry more often. One is biological. Up to age 12, boys and girls cry
equally often. From then until age 18, the level of the hormone prolactin(催乳激素)
rises in young women, until their blood contains 60 per-cent more than men’ s.
And prolactin affects the production of tears. On the sociological side, men in particular are conditioned out of crying. From the age of 12 or 13, boys are told that crying shows a loss of control, that it is a sign of weakness. If men step outside the norm and show their feelings in the workplace, they run the risk of getting labels attached that are not complimentary. Researches on conversations show that women are more likely to talk about feelings, men about activities. This is a reflection of our socialization. Also, men are more likely to express th A. men are more likely than women to get their views across on workplace B. women are more likely than men to talk about social activities C. men seldom show their feelings except on sports D. women shouldn’t show their feelings in sports and politics [单项选择]在市场营销管理哲学中,认为消费者喜欢那些可以随处买得到而且价格低廉的产品,企业应致力于提高生产效率和分销效率;扩大生产,降低成本,以扩展市场的观念是 ( )。
A. 产品观念 B. 市场营销观念 C. 生产观念 D. 社会市场营销观念 [判断题]全站仪是目前在土建工程施工现场广泛使用的测量仪器。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]保安员在治安案(事)件现场,可以协助公安机关进行现场处置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]9.肾盂肿瘤的主要诊断依据是
A..镜下血尿 B..终末血尿 C..全程肉眼血尿 D..全程血尿伴有血块 E..无痛性间歇性肉眼全程血尿 [多选题]电缆径路穿越线路时,必须避开道岔的( )?
A.岔尖 B.辙叉心 C.钢轨接头 D.轨枕 [单选题]( )是指企业的生产组织领导者必须在计划、布置、检查、总结、评 比生产工作的同时进行计划、布置、检查、总结、评比安全工作的原则。它要求把安全工作落实到每一个生产组织管理环节中去。这是解决生产管理中安全与生产统一的一项重要原则。
A.安全工作的五同时原则 B.三管三必须原则 C.三同时原则 D.安全生产动态管理原则 [多选题]多选题:下列拾遗物品失物招领中心保管期限为6个月的有( )。
A.衣服 B.夕阳红卡 C.护照 D.现金 [单选题]适用于各型糖尿病患者的治疗,最基本的方法是
A.卧床休息 B.注射胰岛素 C.口服格列本脲(优降糖) D.饮食疗法 E.纠正电解质紊乱 [多选题]动火工作票不得代替()。
A.检修工作票 B.工作任务单 C.故障紧急抢修单 D.设备停复役手续 E.略 F.略 [多选题]动火执行人的安全责任有()。
A.动火前应收到经审核批准且允许动火的动火工作票 B.按本工种规定的防火安全要求做好安全措施 C.全面了解动火工作任务和要求,并在规定的范围内执行动火 D.动火工作间断、终结时清理现场并检查有无残留火种 [判断题]严禁代替行车人员按压按钮、转换道岔、检查进路、办理闭塞和开放信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 管片的“缝和孔”为主要部位,( )为主要渗漏水途径。
A.环缝 B.纵缝 C.新开裂缝 D.十字缝 E.横缝 [判断题]( )对数控机床的数控功能验收主要内容是:检验回参考点.执行程序操作.进给倍率及急停等功能的准确性检测。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对作为证据先行登记保存的物品,公安机关逾期未作出处理决定的,物品的持有人对物品()。
A. 自行处理 B. 可以自行处理,但应当通知公安机关 C. 经公安机关同意后,可以处理该物品 D. 不得处理 我来回答: 提交