{{B}}Rescue Platform{{/B}} In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, security experts are trying to develop new ways of rescuing people from burning skyscrapers. One idea is a platform capable of flying vertically and hovering in the air like a helicopter. The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people trapped in high stories. The idea for the vertical takeoff platform was hatched more than ten years ago by a Russian aerospace engineer, David Metreveli, who has since moved to Israel. Metreveli’s design, called the Eagle, calls for two jet engines that turn four large horizontal propellers. The spinning of the propellers generates the necessary lift, or upward force, to raise the platform. The more pow [单选题]以下化学性损伤的防范措施不妥的是 ( )
A.严格执行药物管理制度和药疗原则 B.熟悉各种药物应用知识 C.为避免病人擅自用药,严禁向病人及家属讲解用药的有关知识 D.严格执行“三查七对” E.注意药物的配伍禁忌,及时观察病人用药后的反应 [单选题]电气化铁路区段各单位( )组织所属有关职工认真学习《电气化铁路有关人员电气安全规则》,并按规定对有关职工进行考试。
A.每半年 B.每年 C.每季度 D.每月 [单项选择]
患者,女性,50岁,因腹痛、呕吐、停止排气排便就诊,尿量600ml/d。查体:血压100/70mmHg,皮肤干燥,眼球下陷,腹胀,肠鸣音亢进,白细胞12×109/L,血清钾3.7mmol/L,血清钠128mmol/L血清氯101mmol/L。 A. 腹痛、呕吐 B. 停止排气排便 C. 尿量600ml/d D. 眼球下陷 E. 血清钠128mmol/L [单选题]( )是指由若干个过滤器模块组成的空气净化设备,用于车站公共区通风系统,设置在车站端部土建风道中。
A.可开启空气过滤器 B.立式风阀 C.卧式风阀 D.电动风量调节阀 [单选题]高压设备发生接地时,室内不得接近故障点( )米以内,室外不得接近故障点8米以内。进入上述范围人员必须穿绝缘靴,接触设备的外壳和构架时,应戴绝缘手套。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]关于输精管的描述错误的是()
A. 在精索内,位于其他结构的后内侧 B. 经输尿管末端前方至膀胱底的后面 C. 末端于精囊腺内侧膨大成壶腹 D. 与精囊腺排泄管汇合成射精管 E. 输精管第二部位于精索内,称为输精管皮下精索部 [单选题]作业票使用周期不得超过()天。
A.7 B.15 C.30 D.60 [填空题]一般事故分为:();();();()。
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