The horse and carriage is a thing of
the past, but love and the marriage are still with us and still closely
interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages (1)
young couples, are the result of (2) attraction
and affection (3) than practical considerations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin (4) in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social (5) . Though young people feel (6) to choose their friends from (7) groups, most choose a mate of similar background. This is (8) in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually (9) choices by (10) disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable. (11) , A. linking B. involving C. connecting D. correlating [多选题]下列发变组哪些保护动作会启动主开关失灵保护( )。
A.差动保护; B.重瓦斯保护; C.发电机负序过流保护; D.发电机断水保护。 [单选题]正畸施力只有牙槽骨的吸收,却没有或只有少量的牙骨质吸收的原因是
A.牙根表面总是覆盖着一薄层尚未钙化的类牙骨质 B.牙周膜内环境的稳定性 C.牙骨质硬 D.颌骨可塑性强 E.牙槽骨修复能力强 [单项选择]When he arrived home, he (deposited) his coat on the floor.
A. kept B. located C. stored D. placed [单项选择]吸气性呼吸困难严重者可出现三凹征,三凹征是指()
A. 胸骨上窝、锁骨上窝和肋间隙在吸气时明显下陷 B. 胸骨上窝、锁骨上窝和肋间隙在呼气时明显下陷 C. 胸骨上窝、锁骨下窝和肋间隙在吸气时明显下陷 D. 胸骨下窝、锁骨上窝和肋间隙在吸气时明显下陷 E. 胸骨上窝、锁骨下窝和肋间隙在呼气时明显下陷 [单选题]做强配电通信网络,重点加强中心城市(区)( )kV配电光纤通信网络。
A.0.1 B.10 C.35 D.110 [多项选择]人格具有独特性、稳定性、( )。
A. 整体性 B. 适应性 C. 功能性 D. 自然性和社会性的统一 [判断题]可以甩开连锁条件,借用电源动作设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产巡查检查督查管理实施细则Q/CSG2093075-2021》第十八条 为了防范现场作业人为责任事故事件发生,公司各单位针对作业全过程的人身、电网、设备等各类安全生产风险评估及管理技术措施落实情况开展的常态化安全督查。
A. 正确 B. 错误 [判断题]【判断】省行每年至少一次对反假货币业务内部管理制度和操作规范的执行情况进行现场和非现场督导检查。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交