W: Excuse me, sir. Do all the suitcases come here
M: Yes, they do. Can I help you
W: I’ve been waiting for my baggage for 50 minutes. And I only have a few minutes left to catch another plane to Kansas City.
M: Do you have your baggage claim cheek
W: Yes, I do.
M: Let me see. Please wait a minute and I’ll try to find them.
W: Thanks, but please hurry.
M: Sorry to keep you waiting, I’ve located your baggage. Your suitcases were left behind in Paris this morning and won’ t an ire in New York until later this evening.
W: Oh, that’ s terrible. Now I’ ve missed my plane and my brother will be waiting for me at the airport in Kansas City at 10:30 tonight.
M: We regret this inconvenience. The airline will pay all expenses for you to stay in a hotel in New York tonight. You can get a flight to Kansas City tomorrow morning.
W: Thank you.
It’s Friday night, and you want to
watch a movie at home with that special someone. You could go to a video store
and rent a film, and instantly it’s yours; popcorn extra. Or you could go to
Netflix, and the movie will arrive, earliest, on Tuesday. Here’s hoping you had
a Plan B for your big date. Ah, but you love Netflix, the online rental service
that delivers movies and TV shows to your mailbox. Since its start
in.1999, the company has sent more than 2 billion discs to its 10.6 million
subscribers, who return them in the familiar red envelopes for more
titles. As a professional or obsessive movie watcher, I find Netflix a helpful reference source for my never-ending entertainment education. But I have misgivings about the service’s usefulness, especially compared with that of a real, well-stocked video store, and about the A. Positive B. Neutral C. Negative D. Enthusiastic [单选题]第一次国共合作的政治基础是( )
A.中共最高政治纲领 B.中共最低政治纲领 C.“联俄.联共.扶助农工”的三大政策 D.新三民主义 [多项选择]《纪律处分条例》规定,在党内搞团团伙伙、结党营私、拉帮结派、培植私人势力或者通过搞利益交换、为自己营造声势等活动捞取政治资本的,应当给予()处分。
A. 给予严重警告处分 B. 情节严重的,给予留党察看或者开除党籍处分 C. 给予严重警告或者撤销党内职务处分 D. 情节严重的,给予撤销党内职务、留党察看或者开除党籍处分 [单选题]栓钉焊瓷环保时应有防潮措施,受潮的焊接瓷环使用前应在 120℃ ~150℃范围内烘培)。
A. 1h~2h B. 1h~1.5h C. 2h~2.5h D. 1.5h~2.0h [单选题]全党同志一定要团结带领全国各族人民决胜全面建成小康社会,奋力夺取()中国特色社会主义伟大胜利。
A.新阶段 B.新世纪 C.新时期 D.新时代 [多项选择]压力容器使用单位的技术档案中的制造资料应该包括()等。
A. 竣工图样 B. 产品合格证 C. 产品质量证明书 D. 强度计算书 E. 监督检验证书 [单项选择]主张“一切知识都是从感官的知觉开始的”教育家是______。
A. 赫尔巴特 B. 杜威 C. 夸美纽斯 D. 凯洛夫 [单项选择]具有骨骼肌松弛作用的药物是
A. 苍术 B. 厚朴 C. 藿香 D. 白豆蔻 E. 白术 [多选题]造成航班不正常的因素主要包括()
A.航空公司原因 B.民航保障原因 C.天气原因 D.非民航保障原因 [判断题] 广域网的结构复杂,一般多为网状拓扑结构。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 《铁路旅客电子客票暂行实施办法》(铁客[2020]105号)中规定,自动检票闸机、车站手持移动和半自助检票终端在识读旅客身份证件时所做的检票记录分别作为铁路旅客运输合同运送期间的起、止。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《动车组列车服务质量规范》规定,除按规定可自行调整的外,列车夜间运行的时间一般是指( )。
A.22:00—7:00 B.22:00—8:00 C.20:00—7:00 D.20:00—8:00 [单选题]留取粪便培养标本时,下列做法错误的是:
A.嘱患者排便于清洁便器内 B.用无菌竹签取异常粪便2~5g置于无菌标本容器内 C.无便意者,用无菌长棉签蘸无菌生理盐水 D.插入肛门约6~7cm顺同一方向轻轻旋转并退出 E.将取了标本的棉签置于无菌试管内,塞紧管口 [单选题]参与构成胃粘膜保护屏障的主要离子是( )
A. Na+ B. Ca2+ C. H+ D. HCO3- E. Cl- [判断题]在煤堆和船舶上可以单独采取全水分煤样。
[多项选择]基层群众性自治组织的主要工作有( )。
A. 调解民间纠纷 B. 反映群众意见 C. 协助维护社会治安 D. 选举乡人大主任 [单项选择]中低压消防泵中压扬程为2、0Mpa时,流量为()L/s。
A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 60 [单选题]氨苄西林( )(1.14分)
A.抗菌谱较窄,对酸稳定,对葡萄球菌青霉素酶不稳定 B.抗菌谱较窄,对酸不稳定,对葡萄球菌青霉素酶不稳定 C.抗菌谱较窄,对酸稳定,对葡萄球菌青霉素酶稳定 D.抗菌谱较宽,对酸不稳定,对葡萄球菌青霉素酶不稳定 E.抗菌谱较宽,对酸稳定,对葡萄球菌青霉素酶不稳定 [多选题]气雾剂的组成应包括
A.抛射剂 B.药物与附加剂 C.灌装器 D.阀门系统 E.耐压容器 [单项选择]下列各项中,不属于“未病先防”的内容是()
A. 调摄精神 B. 早期诊治 C. 人工预防 D. 起居有节 E. 调整脏腑 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》中规定:发售学生票时应以近径路或( )的列车发售。
A.远径路 B.近径路 C.换乘次数少 D.换乘次数多 [单项选择]
Computer and School Education
There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set. Now those (51) seem hopelessly old-fashioned; this Christmas, there were a lot of personal computers under the tree. (52) that computers are the key to success, parents are also financially insisting that children (53) taught to use them in school—as early as possible. The problem for schools is that when it (54) computers, parents don’t always know best. Many schools are (55) parental impatience and are purchasing hardware without sound educational planning so they can say, "OK, we’ve moved into the computer age. " Teachers found themselves caught in the middle of the problem—between parent pressure and (56) educational decisions. Educators do not even agree (57) [多选题]驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班应当严格按照国家有关规定,对学员进行道路交通安全( )的培训,,确保培训质量。
A.法律 B.法规 C.驾驶技能支能 D.车辆维护 [单项选择]当TRI框断电后,以下说法正确的是()
A. EMRP的软件信息可以保存,加电后可自动恢复,不用从BSC下载 B. STR板一定会出现物理性的损坏 C. 当供电正常后,CLC恢复正常后,各模块的软件要重LOAD D. 不影响机柜载波正常的工作状态 [简答题]为防止牵引供电设备对信号设备的干扰,采取了哪些防护措施?
A.中央企业的各级疗养机构应予撤销 B.承担特定疗养保障任务的疗养机构,按相关程序批准后可予以整合 C.对具有职业病康复功能的,有专业医护人员和完善医疗康复设备的机构,可并入或转型为社会化专业性医疗服务机构 D.具有特殊资质的职业技能鉴定机构 我来回答: 提交