American women experience a great variety of lifestyles. A "typical" American woman may be single. She may also be divorced or married. She may be a homemaker, a doctor, or a factory worker. It is very difficult to generalize about American women. However, one thing that many American women have in common is their attitude about themselves and their role in American life.
Historically, American Women have always been very independent. The first colonists to come to New England were of ten young couples who had left behind their extend ed family (i. e. their parents, sisters, cousins, etc. ). The women were alone in a new, undeveloped country with their husbands. This had two important effects. First of all, this as yet uncivilized environment demanded that every person share in developing it and in survival Women worked alongside their husbands and children to establish themselves in this new land Second, because they were in a new land without the established i
A. was strengthened
B. was as important as early
C. was declined
D. was more reinforced than early days
Effective communication is essential for all organisations. It links the activities of the various parts of the organisation and ensures that everyone is working towards a Common goal. It is also extremely important for motivating employees. Staff need to know how they are getting on, what they are doing right and in which areas they could improve. Working alone can be extremely difficult and it is much easier if someone takes an interest and provides support. Employees need to understand why their job is important and how it contributes to the overall success of the firm. Personal communication should also include target setting. People usually respond well to goals, provided these are agreed between the manager and subordinate and not imposed.
However, firms often have communications problems that can undermine their performance. In many cases, these problems occur because messages are passed on in an inappropriate way. There are of course, several ways of conveying inf
A. Aim to limit staff use of certain communication tools.
B. Evaluate them in terms of the expenditure involved.
C. Select them on the basis of the facilities they offer.
D. Encourage more staff to attend training courses in their use.