People in the United States in the
nineteenth century were {{U}} (21) {{/U}} by the {{U}} (22) {{/U}}
that unprecedented change in the nation’s economy would bring social
{{U}} (23) {{/U}} . In the years following 1820, after several decades of
relative stability, the economy {{U}} (24) {{/U}} a period of
{{U}} (25) {{/U}} and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of
the nineteenth century. {{U}} (26) {{/U}} that growth was a structural
change that {{U}} (27) {{/U}} by increasing economic diversification and
a gradual shift in the nation’s labor force from agriculture to manufacturing
and other nonagricultural pursuits. Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century. A. result B. effect C. consequence D. outcome [填空题]TTL集成逻辑门电路的内部大多是由 ( )级、( )级和( )级组成。
A. 视为 B. 有时视为 C. 不视为 D. 部分视为 [单选题]各类作业人员应被告知其作业现场和工作岗位存在的危险因数、防范措施及( )。
A. 事故应急处理措施 B. 紧急救护措施 C. 应急预案 [单选题]一般发生短路故障后约0.01s时间出现最大短路冲击电流,采用微机保护一般仅需( )s就能发出跳闸指令,使导体和设备避免承受最大短路电流的冲击,从而达到限制短路电流的目的。
A.A.0.002 B.0.003 C.0.005 [单选题]液化石油气比空气重( )倍.
A.1.5—2 B.2.5 C.3 D.3.5 [判断题] 神华八轴交流机车高压电压互感器主要用于测量接触网电压,为机车提供网压信号,同时也用于测量机车电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列屏蔽门的控制方式中( )优先级最高。
A.A.人工解锁开门 B.B.PSL开门 C.C.IBP盘应急开门 D.D.LCB手动位开门 [简答题]窑头燃烧器应如何定位?
A.检查 B.释放能量 C.查看 D.放电 [单项选择]有关小儿动作发育的规律,下列哪种说法是恰当的()
A. 会向前走即会倒退着走 B. 会走即会停下来 C. 待肢体的粗大动作发育完成后,手的精细动作才开始发育 D. 与训练有关 E. 2岁的小儿若仍不会走路也不一定不正常,因为运动发育有个体差异,还受遗传影响 [简答题]高压试验不得少于两人,试验负责人应由有经验的人员担任。试验前,试验负责人应向全体试验人员交待()。
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