The question of whether war is
inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers.
Before considering this question, it will be useful to introduce some
related concepts. Conflict, defined as opposition among social entities (实体)
directed against one another, is distinguished from competition, defined
as opposition among social entities independently striving for something which
is in inadequate supply. Competitors may not be aware of one another, while the
parties to a conflict are. Conflict and competition are both categories of
opposition, which has been defined as a process by which soical entities
function in the disservice of one another. Opposition is thus contrasted with
cooperation, the process by which social entities function in the disservice of
one another. These definitions are necessary because it is important to
emphasi A. like animal fights, competition is a necessity and war is inevitable B. competition becomes war when it grows more and more fierce C. when social entities serve one another, opposition means cooperation D. while competition is unavoidable, war is not a necessary outcome [单选题]护土处理医嘱时,应先执行( )
A.停止医嘱 B.临时医嘱 C.临时备用医嘱 D.长期备用医嘱 [单项选择]规定处分抵押物受偿次序的是()。
A. 《担保法》 B. 《城市房地产抵押管理颁发》 C. 《城市房地产管理法》 D. 《房屋共有权证》 [单项选择]经济物品是指()
A. 有用的物品 B. 稀缺的物品 C. 要用钱购买的物品 D. 有用且稀缺的物品 [单选题]现阶段,我国公有制的主要实现形式是( )
A.股份合作制 B.股份制 C.国有企业和私营企业的联合 D. 公司制 [填空题]电捕焦油器煤气含氧量:(___)。
[单选题]公司经营状况的好坏,可以从( )来分析。
A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ B.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ C.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ [单项选择]太子参来源于( )
A. 五加科 B. 玄参科 C. 桔梗科 D. 石竹科 E. 伞形科 [单项选择]集团公司2015年党委工作报告强调,强化企业文化引领。推进以()为主要内容的职业道德建设,引导干部对组织诚信、对职工诚信,引导职工对操守诚信、对安全诚信,增强干部职工职业精神、职业素养。
A. 爱岗敬业、安全为天 B. 爱岗敬业、诚实守信 C. 社会主义核心价值观 D. 艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约 [单选题]风挡加温组件位于____________
A.后货舱E6架 B.前货舱E5架 C.主电子舱 D.前电子舱 我来回答: 提交