Of all the employed workers in the
United States, 12.5 million are part of a temporary workforce. The United States
Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 9.2 percent of workers as those who have{{U}}
(62) {{/U}}they term "alternative employment arrangements." The
government predicts that temporary staffing agencies will{{U}} (63)
{{/U}}growth of 49 percent by 2010. If numbers increase{{U}} (64)
{{/U}}the rate of predicted, these companies will add 1.9 million new jobs
by 2010. Temporary workers were the first ones to be affected by the recent economic recession, but they are likely to be the first to regain{{U}} (65) {{/U}}as the economy{{U}} (66) {{/U}}and companies work to rebuild. Employers use temporary workers as a resource because they offer{{U}} (67) {{/U}}and come at a low cost. Many temporaries are{{U}} (68) {{/U}}as "ind A. other B. other one C. permanent D. better [多项选择]空气过滤器种类很多,其中应用较广的有()。
A. 金属网空气过滤器 B. 填充纤维空气过滤器 C. 浸油空气过滤器 D. 袋式过滤器 [单选题]( )是以标准的动作和科学地传授形式,让受训人员观摩、仿效的教学活动。示范作业通常在训练实施前进行。
A.讲授法 B. 演示法 C.示教作业 D. 示范作业 [单选题]支柱应尽量设在侧沟限界以外。若客观条件限制必须设在侧沟中,应留有“___” 通道,排水通道与排水沟应统一设计,避免对路基防排水系统的影响。
A.电缆 B.排气 C.排污 D.排水 [单项选择]Sales of films to theaters are often made only on the strength of the campaign.
A. 影片能卖给影院是单纯依靠宣传的力量。 B. 影片能卖给影院往往是依靠宣传的力量。 C. 只有依靠宣传的力量才有人去影院看电影。 D. 单纯依靠宣传的力量,影片不能卖给影院。 [多选题]原理图中,无论是( ),各电气元件一般按动作顺序从上到下,从左到右依次排列,可 水平布置或者垂直布置
A.主电路 B.辅助电路 C.控制回路 D.从电路 [单项选择]治疗牙痛属胃中积热者首选()
A. 玉女煎 B. 左金丸 C. 大承气汤 D. 葛根黄芩黄连汤 E. 清胃散 我来回答: 提交