"I would almost rather see you dead."
Robert S. Cassatt, a leading banker of Philadelphia, shouted when his
twenty-year-old eldest daughter announced that she wanted to become an
artist. In the 19th century, playing at drawing or painting on dishes was all right for a young lady, but serious work in art was not. And when the young lady’s family ranked among the best of Philadelphia’s social families, such an idea could not even be considered. That was how Mary Cassatt, born in 1844, began her straggle as an artist. She did not tremble before her father’s anger. Instead; she opposed him with courage and at last made him change his mind. Mary Cassatt gave up her social position and all thought of a husband and a family, which in those times was unthinkable for a young lady. In t [判断题]依据《省住房和城乡建设厅关于改革和完善房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程招标投标制度的实施意见》(苏建规字(2017)1号文),采用合理价随机确定中标人法的工程项目可以设置“企业或者项目负责人承担过类似工程”作为合格条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]低压电气工作时,拆开的引线、断开的线头应采取()等遮蔽措施。
A.胶带包裹 B.绝缘包裹 C.帆布遮盖 D.剪断包裹 [多选题]以下设备中,属于一次设备的是( )。
A.隔离开关 B.继电气 C.操作电源 D.断路器 [单项选择]某跨国集团将其目标市场划分为欧盟、北美、东盟等,其划分依据属于()。
A. 地理细分 B. 人文细分 C. 心理细分 D. 行为细分 [多选题]电力系统产生工频过电压的主要原因有( )。
A.A:空载长线路。 B.B:发电机失磁。 C.C:甩负荷。 D.D:不对称短路。 E.略 F.略 [单选题]市净率是衡量公司价值的重要指标,市净率的计算公式是()。
A.市净率=市价/总资产 B.市净率=每股市价/每股收益 C.市净率=每股市价/总资产 D.市净率=每股市价/每股净资产 [判断题]基尔霍夫第二定律是指在任一闭合回路内各段电压的代数和等于零。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )和定额工时相比,能反映生产员工实际完成定额的情况。
A.实测工时 B.实耗工时 C.标准工时 D.标准差 [单选题]实现有效气体交换的通气量为()
A.肺活量 B.用力肺活量 C.最大通气量 D.残气量 E.肺泡通气量 [单选题]11个月,男孩。诊断为流感嗜血杆菌脑膜炎,经抗生素治疗2周后,病情好转,体温正常,近1天又出现发热,搐搦,前囟饱满,颅缝分离。应首先考虑的诊断是
A.脑膜炎后遗症 B.脑脓肿 C.脑水肿 D.硬膜下积液 E.脑膜炎复发 [单项选择]颈部交感神经损伤的临床表现为
A. 呼吸困难 B. 眼球内陷 C. 上睑下垂 D. 面部潮红 E. 瞳孔缩小 [单项选择]
To Get on the Same Page Sami Adwan is the very model of a soft-spoken professor. He measures his words, and listens carefully to what others have said. Yet while pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of San Francisco in the 1980s, Adwan not only refused to listen to Jewish students, he says but he dropped out of classes if he knew they included Jews. A Palestinian born in the village of Surif, near Hebron, Adwan had grown up under the shadow of the Israeli occupation, hearing tales from his father and grandfather of how Jews had seized the family’s orange groves and wheat fields in 1948. Returning to his homeland with his degree, Adwan joined the then outlawed Fatah Party and was thrown into an Israeli jail in 1993. That was his real education. While awaiting charges, Adwan overheard two Israeli soldiers arguing over whether he should be made to sign a document in Hebrew that he couldn’t read. Shocked to hear one of his enemies defe A. To force high school students to know better about their country’s history. B. To legitimize the interpretations of history by Israel and Palestine. C. To make known to each other their interpretations of history. D. To help each other accept the other’s interpretation of history. [判断题]砌体结构应按承载能力极限状态设计,并满足正常使用极限状态的要求。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交