The United States is well-known for its network of
major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the
shortest possible time. (51) these wide modern roads are
generally smooth and well maintained, with (52) sharp curves
and many straight sections, a direct route is not always the most (53)
one. Large highways often pass by scenic areas and interesting small
towns. Furthermore, these highways generally (54)
large urban centers which means that they become crowded with heavy traffic
during rush hours, (55) the "fast, direct" way becomes a
very slow route. However, there is almost always another route to take (56) you are not in a hurry. Not A. space B. period C. chance D. spot [简答题]‡1125203518
[简答题] 电力电缆非开挖施工的安全措施有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《富春山居图》的原作者是黄公望。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
随着改革开放的深入和经济关系的调整,经济和社会生活中的各种矛盾出现了不少新情况和新变化,其中一些涉及群众切身利益的矛盾比较突出。各级政府必须认真负责、满腔热情地解决人民群众生活和工作中的实际问题。 A. 一切权力属于人民,人民是国家的主人 B. 在人民内部实行民主,对敌人实行专政 C. 人民选出代表,组成人民代表大会 D. 坚持对人民负责的原则 [单选题]《广深港高铁跨境列车旅客运输管理规则》中规定遇列车在区间被迫停车时,随车机械师、客运乘务组要听从( )的统一指挥。客运乘务组重点做好广播宣传、旅客安抚、秩序维护等工作。
A.列车长 B.乘警 C.司机 D.客调 [单选题]25T型客车的可编程控制器(简称PLC)供电后,绿色PWR灯亮,橙色RUN灯亮,红色( )灯灭;连接触摸屏或网关后橙色COM灯闪烁。
A.FH B.XS C.ERR D.ZD1 [单项选择]“教育者应先受教育”说明转化后进生的()
A. 扬长原则 B. 对事不对人原则 C. 潜移默化原则 D. 可接受性原则 [填空题]在高瓦斯矿井中放炮时,都应采用()向起爆。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交