"It was the beginning of a revolution
in America and the world, a revolution that some have yet to acknowledge and
many have yet to appreciate," says Harold Skramstad, president of the Henry Ford
Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. 1776 No indeed. 1896, when Frank Duryea finally
perfected the Duryea Motor Wagon. At its first airing, the contraption rolled
less than 100 metres before the transmission froze up. But by the end of 1896
Duryea had sold 13 of them, thus giving birth to the American motor
industry. That industry (whose roots, outside America, are usually attributed to tinkerings by Messrs Daimler and Benz in Germany) is being celebrated hugely over the coming months, culminating with a Great American Cruise in Detroit in June. "Our goal is to attract the greatest collection of antique and classic cars this nation has ever seen A. cars provide them with freedom, which is invaluable to Americans B. the motor industry employ one in seven workers in their manufacturing plants C. the ownership of cars will signify one’s social status D. shopping bags have annoyingly lost their carrying handles and shoppers ceased to be pedestrian [多选题]防止瓦斯积聚和超限的措施主要有( )。
A.加强通风 B.严格瓦斯管理 C.及时处理局部积聚的瓦斯 D.瓦斯抽放 [判断题]机动车在静止状态下一般不易发生火灾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]区域内各成员国在经济、金融、财政以及国际贸易政策上实现完全的统一化,这即是()。
A. 关税同盟 B. 共同市场 C. 经济联盟 D. 完全经济一体化 [单项选择]在道路工程中,当路基铺设工作开始一段时间后,只要提供了足够的工作面,路面浇筑工作即可开始,这种开始工作时间之间的间隔称为______时距。
A. FTS B. STS C. FTF D. STF [简答题]什么是汽水循环倍率?
[单选题]押运途中遇有车辆尾随时,不应该( )。
A.提高警惕 B.监视观察 C.不予理睬 D.迅速通报 [单选题]每次飞行前机组进行协作时,机长必须就进出驾驶舱的规定和电子密码锁的使用进行讲评并提出要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,男性,16岁,因上唇外伤性缺损行下唇组织瓣转移修复上唇缺损。其组织瓣成活后断蒂的时间为
A.术后5~7天 B.术后2~3周 C.术后1个月 D.术后2个月 E.术后半年 [单选题]乳腺癌最常见的病理类型是
A.非浸润性癌 B.早期浸润性癌 C.浸润性特殊癌 D.浸润性非特殊癌 E.其他罕见癌 [判断题]2.8对预查验车辆加装、选装符合规定部件,导致车身外观特征发生改变的,制作行驶证时,应当重新核对车辆识别代号、采集车辆标准照片。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]穿着个人防护装备执行战斗任务时,不得超范围、超限使用,可直接接触高温、油污、有毒、腐蚀、尖锐等物质。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定,因抢救人员、防止事故扩大以及疏通交通等原因,
需要移动事故现场物件的,应当做出标志,绘制现场简图并做出书面记录,妥善保存现场重要 痕迹、物证。 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交