M: Of the two houses we saw today, which do you prefer
W: I think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger yard, so I like it better.
M: I’m not sure whether I need such a big yard.
W: You don’t have to decide right now. Just think about it.
It may be necessary, in order that
.future (51) can enjoy clean air, that more of the
(52) is borne by long-term central government fund.As air
pollution varies enormously from place to place and can, indeed, be very local,
it may also be necessary for the central government to (53)
money so that local authorities can (54) special
local problems. That these can be significant was shown by the report made in
1970 (55) behalf of the London Boroughs Association. This
(56) that in central London since 1958 smoke concentrations have
decreased by 80 percent, whereas sunshine has increased by 70 percent and winter
visibility has (57) threefold, There have been (58)
in mortality and hospital admissions (59) with air
pollution and in the response to it of bronchitis, as well as clear if less
d A. associated B. concerned C. tied up D. involved [单选题]患者,女性,67岁。有肺心病病史20年,此次因两周前受凉后,出现咳嗽、咳黄脓痰、呼吸困难加重,下肢水肿。经过积极抗感染治疗、吸氧等治疗后,效果不佳,仍有下肢水肿,需增加强心药的使用。该患者使用强心药的原则是( )(5.0)
A. 缓慢、大剂量 B. 缓慢、中剂量 C. 缓慢、小剂量 D. 快速、大剂量 E. 快速、小剂量 [单选题]‡ 年 7 月 30 日,( )获得东京奥运会乒乓球男子单打金牌,实现双圈大满贯,即两次获得奥运会、世乒赛和世界杯三大赛单打冠军!
A.张继科 B.樊振东 C.马龙 D.王浩 [单选题]检修设备停电,除了必须把各方面的电源断开,还必须拉开( )使各方面至少有一个断开点
A.断路器 B.隔离开关 C.电压互感器 D.负荷开关 [单选题]“三个有利于”标准,是不可分割的统一的整体,是从生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑的综合高度,言简意赅地指出了社会主义的____特征。填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.基本 B.唯一 C.本质 D.突出 [多选题]工作票签发人安全责任包括:( )。
A.确认工作必要性和安全性。 B.确认工作票上所填安全措施是否正确完备。 C.确认所派工作负责人和工作班人员是否适当和充足。 D.确认线路停、送电和许可工作的命令是否正确。 [单选题]【单选题】该事件中,施工分包人员擅自乘坐货运索道下山导致发生人身事件。货运索道在日常使用中运行速度应根据所运输物件的重量,调整发动机转速,最高运行速度不宜超过( )m/min。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [简答题]轨道检查车对轨道动态局部不平顺检查的项目有哪些?
[多选题]能够体现政府对企业工资分配的间接调控作用( )。
A.工资指导线制度 B.最低工资制度 C.人工成本预测预警制度 D.工效挂钩制度 E.劳动力市场工资指导价位制度 [单项选择]在急性胃炎的对症治疗中,如要保护胃黏膜则应服用______
A. 胶体铋 B. 抗生素 C. PPI D. 吗丁啉 我来回答: 提交