The American Academy of Pediatrics
raised eyebrows recently when it released new guidelines saying that pacifiers
may protect against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The use of pacifiers for
sleeping infants has always been controversial, both in families and medical
circles-- the World Health Organization (WHO) says they should not be given to
breast-fed infants. Yet here was an authoritative body, representing US
pediatricians, suggesting pacifier use at sleep-time might actually save lives.
The Washington Post’s "New SIDS policy recommends pacifiers" was typical of the
headlines. What wasn’t reported was the fact that the announcement dismayed
experts in several counties--including Canada--who have found no justification
for such a recommendation. Some even worry the advice could increase the risk
for certain babies. Neither was i A. discovered by Canadian researchers. B. still unknown. C. bad sleeping positions. D. maternal smoking. [单项选择]According to the passage, "scientific subculture" means ______.
A. cultural groups that are formed by scientists B. people whose knowledge of science is very limited C. the scientific community D. people who make good contribution to science [单选题]-B-001 4 2 3
按规定着装,正确使用( )用品。 A.起重机 B. 劳动防护 C. 工具用品 D. 电器 [T/] [填空题]在客户机/服务器工作模式中,客户机可以使用 【14】 向数据库服务器发送查询命令。
A.填用新工作票并重新履行工作许可手续 B.通过工作许可人 C.通过工作票签发人 D.通过工作负责人 [多选题]65中摆放原则包括
A.A.“四定”摆放原则 B.B.及时清理的原则 C.C.方便取放的原则 D.D.整齐美观的原则 [判断题]( )爱岗敬业是为人民服务和从业人员精神的具体体现,是社会主义职业道德一切基本规范的础。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]易泛油的药物是
A. 白芷 B. 独活 C. 杏仁 D. 黄芪 E. 肉桂 [单选题]任何单位和( )不得干扰、阻碍事故应急救援、铁路线路开通、列车运行和事故调查处理。
A.组织 C.个人 D.工务段 [多选题]一张工作票中,()、()和()三者不得为同一人。
A.工作票签发人 B.专责监护人 C.工作许可人 D.工作负责人 [判断题]列车在到达线路内拉道口、对货位、直接后部摘车、本务机车(包括重联机车、补机)摘挂及转线、企业自备机车进入站内交接线整列取送作业,可不使用调车作业通知单。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]治疗感冒所伴随的咳嗽可选用()
A.氨茶碱 B.喷托维林 C.氨溴索 D.右美沙芬复方制剂 [单选题]通电导体在磁场中所受的力是( )。
A.电场力 B.磁场力 C.电磁力 D.引力 我来回答: 提交