Even to his contemporaries, Rochester
was a legendary figure One of the youngest and most handsome courtiers of the
restored Charles Ⅱ. he was the favorite of a king whose wit, lasciviousness and
serious intellectual interests he shared. He was banished from court several
times, but Charles’s pleasure in his conversation always resulted in his recall.
His authentic adventures included the attempted abduction of an heiress (whom he
later married), smashing a phallic-shaped sundial in the royal gardens during a
drunken celebrity, and a violent quarrel with the watch at Epsom in which one of
his companions was killed. Quite apart from his reputation as a poet. he was feted in the writings of his friends, notably in Sir George Etherege’s comedy, "The Man of Mode". Just before he died in 1680. at the age of 33. destro A. a troublemaker B. a fictional legendary figure C. an excellent Solomon D. the favorite of Charles Ⅱ [简答题] (19)铸铁管、水煤气管、无缝钢管在化工生产中主要应用在哪些场合?
A. Clq B. C2b C. C4b D. C5a E. C3b [单选题]
科里奥利错觉发生的情景是 [单选题] * A.飞行员头部的运动方向与飞机转动方向不在一个平面内的时候; B.飞机在做转动运动期间,飞行员的头部顺着飞机转动方向运动 C.飞机在做直线加速运动的时候,飞行员的头部又做前后运动 [单选题]多功能水枪不具有 功能。 ‘
A.直流 B.开花 C.喷雾 D.自卫水幕 [简答题]下雪天必须横越车列时,应如何越过?
A. 滑数 B. 短涩 C. 浮数 D. 沉实 E. 数大 [判断题]电动机及起动装置的外壳均应接地。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]会计档案归档范围( )。
A.会计凭证 B.会计账簿 C.财务会计报告 D.其他会计资料 [多选题]操课分组包括()
A.A.固定分组 B.B.分组循环 C.C.分组不循环 D.D.临时分组 [单选题]液化石油气泄漏最好的中和剂是( )。
A.苏打等碱性溶剂 B.氨水 C.氯化铜溶液 D.大量的水 [判断题]核心部位岩层较老,两侧岩层较新的褶曲是背斜。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]eCCM板SSH2的登录口令是()
A. Vq,A=V8o;# B. &65UytJhg C. Qwe*90op D. #edcVfr4%t [单项选择]绒毛膜上皮癌()
A. ACP B. AKP C. CEA D. AFP E. hCG [单选题]设备、管道保温的主要目的是()。
A.保护管道被腐蚀 B.防止热量或冷量损失 C.保护管道清洁 [单选题] 正常体温时,心肌和肾小管细胞不可逆的无氧缺血损伤阈值约
A. 15 min B. 30 min C. 45 min D. 60 min [单选题]消防救援机构接到对安全出口上锁、疏散通道堵塞的举报投诉,应当在三个工作日内进行核查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国建立集中、统一的证券登记结算体制具有的重大意义是( )。
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.①②③④ [单项选择]
A. 5 B. 7 C. 14 D. 21 [多项选择]一个以v0=5m/s的初速度做直线运动的物体,自始至终有一个与初速度方向相反、大小为2m/s²的加速度,则当物体位移大小为6m时,物体已运动的时间可能为()
A. 1s B. 2s C. 3s D. 6s [单选题]编制军用危险货物铁路运输计划,加装或者分卸的军用危险货物必须符合车站营业办理限制规定和军用危险货物配装要求,途中加装站或者分卸站总数不得超过( ),在站内或者专用线可以进行装卸作业,在专用线办理加装或者分卸作业的。
A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One
Questions 11 14 are based on the following passage:
A. Government funded. B. Political. C. Private. D. None of the above. [单选题]子午线胎胎侧部分( )性能较差。
A.防滑 B.防刺 C.耐磨 [判断题]同一供电系统中不能同时采用保护接地和保护接零。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
B 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Two hundred years ago, people thought women’s place was in the home, looking after their families. They should not go out to work or to sports games. From the beginning of the 1900s, women were getting out a lot more. They could work as secretaries, teachers and shop assistants. They could also go to sports games. But the idea of women playing these games was simply a wish. Today, women do almost everything men do. They manage companies, fly planes and travel in spaceships (太空船). They play football, basketball and all kinds of sports games. In the old days, women’s place was in the home, but now it can be in or out. At the beginning of the 1900s women started to ______ sports games. A. play B. teach C. watch [判断题]热备用是备用电源自动投入的方式之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]救生艇推进装置要求()
A.救生艇应 由压燃式 发动机驱 动 B.发动机设有手启动系 统 C.发动机能在救 生艇离水冷启 动后运转不少 于5min D.应设有救 生艇推进 的正车和 倒车装置 [判断题]养老机构应对全体员工每年进行一次集中消防安全培训,对志愿消防队员每年至少进行一次集中消防安全培训,员工上岗前应接受消防安全知识及技术培训 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于液化天然气泄漏事故处置对策,下列说法正确的是?
A.启用事故单位喷淋泵等固定、半固定自动消防设施 B.以泄漏点为中心,在储罐、容器、管道周围设置开花、喷雾水枪进行稀释驱散 C.稀释应使用直流水,增强稀释效果 D.协助储罐或管道所属煤气、天然气公司技术人员关闭供气阀门 我来回答: 提交