Though not the ideal shape for a
Christmas stocking , this slim little volume could nevertheless make a welcome
seasonal gift. Launched in Britain at the end of October, and covering just
under 100 pages (with paragraphs inset almost to the middle of the page) , it is
not much more than an extended essay. But it presents an interesting idea
eloquently and clearly, offering digestible brain food amid a surfeit of turkey
and television. The author, Gerard Fairtlough, was a senior executive With Shell for many years before he left in 1980 to found a new biotechnology company called Celltech--recently bought by UCB, a Belgian group, for over $ 2 billion. He knows how businesses are run--both well-established organisations, such as Shell, in which it can be hard to see an alternative to "the way things a A. Hierarchy is not the only way. B. Many companies have found other alternatives. C. It will take a long time to change the existing structure. D. Heterarchy seems to be better than responsibly autonomy. [判断题]依据GB 50350-2015《油田油气集输设计规范》,加热炉、锅炉的供气管道应设气液分离器,必要时应采取管道伴热措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电复律治疗术后,常并发脑梗死的时间为( )
A.6小时 B.24~48小时 C.72小时 D.96小时 E.108小时 [单项选择]在VBA中,如果没有显式声明或用符号来定义变量的数据类型,变量的默认数据类型为______。
A. Boolean B. tnt C. String D. Variant; [单选题]赵某因涉嫌敲诈勒索罪被A市B区公安分局刑事拘留,经B区人民检察院批准后被逮捕,一审.二审均判处赵某有期徒刑3年,赵某在监狱中一直喊冤,后A市中级人民法院再审改判赵某无罪。如赵某要求国家赔偿,应()。
A.由B区公安分局承担刑拘方面的赔偿责任 B.由B区人民检察院承担逮捕方面的赔偿责任 C.由B区人民法院承担刑罚执行期间的赔偿责任 D.由A市中级人民法院负全部赔偿责任 [多项选择]电弧切割按生成电弧的不同可分为()。
A. 等离子弧切割 B. 碳弧切割 C. 氧一燃气切割 D. 激光切割 [单项选择]药学服务中投诉的类型()。
A. 提高药物治疗的安全、有效、经济和适宜性,改善和提高人类生活质量 B. 注意保存有形的证据 C. 价格异议药品 D. 注意观察对方的表情变化 E. 以患者为中心,以提供"与药物使用有关"的信息和知识的形式满足患者在药物治疗上的特殊需要 [多项选择]下列建设工程项目信息中,属于技术类信息的有()。
A. 施工方案 B. 隐蔽验收记录 C. 进度计划 D. 桩基检测报告 E. 工程量清单 [多选题]下列哪些情况,应当变更取保候审、监视居住措施?()
A. 某甲涉嫌抢劫罪,应当逮捕因患有严重疾病而取保候审的,其病已痊愈 B. 某乙涉嫌组织卖淫罪应当逮捕,但因怀孕被取保候审,人流手术出院后 C. 某丙因故意杀人,但证据不符合报捕条件而被取保候审,期间多次恐吓证人 D. 某丁因涉嫌合同诈骗,应当逮捕但证据不足而被取保候审,期间,其保证人不能继续承担保证义务 [判断题]个人自动转账签约成功后,系从转出账户中联动扣收签约手续费
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]探测区域应按独立房(套)间划分。一个探测区域的
面积不宜超过( )㎡
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.400 E.500 [单项选择]男患,75岁,高血压病史15年,5天前出现视物不清。查体:左侧同向偏盲,两侧额纹对称,眼睑闭合有力,左侧鼻唇沟浅,伸舌左偏无肌萎缩,左上、下肢中枢性瘫痪,左侧偏身感觉障碍。病变部位是()
A. 右枕叶皮质 B. 左侧内囊 C. 右侧内囊 D. 左侧脑桥 E. 右侧脑桥 [不定项选择题]治疗三叉神经痛,应选用( )。
A.苯巴比妥 B.苯妥英钠 C.阿斯匹林 D.哌替啶 E.水合氯醛 [单选题]爱视公司发明了一款供视障患者使用的智能眼镜,使用者在对这种眼镜发出去往某目的地的指令后,就能在行走过程中不断收到眼镜发出的引导信息,从而避开障碍物,保持正确的行走路线。目前,该款眼镜价格较高,性能还有待完善,因此销售量小,公司净利润率较低。爱视公司现阶段的资金来源应是( )。
A.风险资本 B.权益投资增加 C.债务 D.保留盈余+债务 [单项选择]
A narrowing of your work interests is implied in almost any transition from a study environment to managerial or professional work. In the humanities and social sciences you will at best reuse only a fraction of the material (1) in three or four years’ study. In most career paths academic knowledge only (2) a background to much more applied decision-making. Even with a " training " form of degree, (3) a few of the procedures or methods (4) in your studies are likely to be continuously relevant in your work. Partly this (5) the greater specialization of most work tasks compared (6) studying. Many graduates are not (7) with the variety involved in (8) from degree study in at least four or five subjects a year to very standardized job (9) . Academic work values (10) inventiveness, originality, and the cultivation of self-realization and self-development. Emphasis is placed (11) generating n 我来回答: 提交