Because of its potential for cutting
costs, the distribution step in the marketing process is receiving more
attention. Distribution involves warehousing, transporting and keeping inventory
of manufactured products. Take an everyday product like fabric softener. After
it comes off the assembly line, it’s packed in cartons and trucked to warehouses
around the country. When orders come in from retailers, the fabric softener is
delivered to supermarket shelves. This is distribution. Probably the most crucial area for controlling costs is inventory. Companies don’t want to overproduce and have unsold stock of their product piled up in warehouses. Wholesale companies and large retail chains employ several techniques for inventory control. This is where the computer revolution really had an impact. Computerized information systems give precise and up-to-date A. It is essential for controlling costs. B. It can lead to an executive position. C. It helps companies overproduce. D. It requires little or no training. [判断题]《党组讨论和决定党员处分事项工作程序规定(试行)》规定,党组对其管理的党员干部实施党纪处分,可以党组集体讨论决定,在非常时期也可由主要负责人决定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各项,不属清营汤证的是()。
A. 斑疹隐隐 B. 身热夜甚 C. 神烦少寐 D. 时有谵语 E. 骨蒸潮热 [单项选择]糖尿病并发症中大血管病主要累及()
A. 小静脉 B. 大、中静脉 C. 小动脉 D. 微血管 E. 动脉和静脉 [单项选择]下列进程调度算法中,综合考虑进程等待时间和执行时间的是( )。
A. 时间片轮转调度算法 B. 短进程优先调度算法 C. 先来先服务调度算法 D. 高响应比优先调度算法 [判断题]空心传动轴具有更大的刚度,且重量轻,节约钢材。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]19
有些植物的叶片(如落叶生根)具有繁殖能力。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]事故部位。核查事故发生的部位。如:( )等部位
A.管线 B.阀门 C.槽沟 D.环形压力罐安全阀 [多项选择]垃圾的主要来源?()
A. 工业废渣 B. 生活垃圾 C. 医疗垃圾 D. 废弃设备 E. 建筑垃圾 [单项选择]ELISA法可以早期检测百日咳患者血清中的免疫球蛋白是
A. IgD B. IgE C. IgA D. IgG E. IgM 我来回答: 提交