Few material things in life are more exciting than
the right kind of hotel room. The kind with a large television and a
well-stocked video collection; with a minibar laden with jelly beans and
paprika-flavoured crisps; with a bathroom decked with fluffy white towels, robes
and a collection of miniature bottles of shampoo; with a thick room-service menu
offering all-night dining. The chance to stay in a nice hotel can be capable of
convincing even the inconsolable that life is worth living. The best hotel rooms achieve their distinctive charm in part because they combine the advantages of a modern commercial environment, and all the newness and shininess we associate with them, with the advantages of home where we can wander around naked, pick our noses with impunity and feel private and unwatched. For a few nights, the place we A. one is little distracted by the environment B. one is in an better mood C. one need not be preoccupied with what happened before he arrived D. one is able to reflect on his entire life [单选题]既有有砟桥面上,当护轨下组装通长铁垫板时,铁垫板下可设厚度不小于( )mm的橡胶垫板。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 E.11 F.12 [多选题] 依据《行政处罚法》的规定,下列关于行政处罚适用的说法,正确的是
A.15周岁的张某有违法行为,不予行政处罚,责令监护人严加管教 B.16周岁的王某有违法行为,应当在法定行政处罚幅度的最低限以下给予处罚 C.间歇性精神病人李某在不能控制自己行为时的违法行为,不予以处罚 D.赵某实施违法行为后主动消除了危害后果,应当依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚 E.钱某的违法行为构成犯罪,人民法院对其判处罚金,行政罚款应当折抵罚金 [单项选择]《职业病防治法》规定,关于用人单位应当采取的职业病防治措施,下列说法中,不正确的是( )。
A. 设置或者指定职业卫生管理机构或者组织,配备专职或者兼职的职业卫生专业人员,负责本单位的职业病防治工作 B. 制定职业病调研计划和实施方案 C. 建立健全职业卫生管理制度和操作规程 D. 建立健全职业卫生档案和劳动者健康监护档案 [判断题]单相智能表有抄表及全失压电池。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]变电站(生产厂房)内外的电缆,在进入()等处的电缆孔洞,应用防火材料严密封闭。
A.A.控制室 B.B.电缆夹层 C.C.控制柜 D.D.开关柜 E.略 F.略 G.略 [填空题]New Zealand is famous for its agriculture. Most of the exports come from the farms. Yet only about 10% of the labor force work in agriculture, 25% of the labor force work in factories. Today the factories make clothes and shoes and (11) other consumer goods. Most of the (12) machinery has to be imported. Mining is not (13) , but New Zealand has plenty of power. 85% of the electricity is produced by water. There is a lot of rain during the year, and there are many (14) and fast rivers in the mountains. Water power is cheaper than power from coal or oil. New Zealanders (15) have the cheapest electricity in the world.New Zealand is famous for its agriculture. Most of the exports come from the farms. Yet only about 10% of the labor force work in agriculture, 25% of the labor force work in factories. Today the factories make clothes and shoes and (11) other consumer goods. Most of the (12) machinery has to be imported. Mining is
[单选题]高层建筑火灾灭火力量部署的先后顺序是( )。
A.先着火层、再着火上层、后着火下层 B.先着火上层、再着火层、后着火下层 C.先着火下层、再着火上层、后着火层 D.先着火层、再着火下层、后着火上层 [多选题]国家对电力供应与使用的管理原则是____
A.安全用电 B.计划用电 C.节约用电 D.用低压电 [填空题]地基基础工程施工前,必须具备完备的地质勘察资料及工程附近管线、()、构筑物和其他公共设施的构造情况,必要时应作施工勘察和调查以确保工程质量及临近建筑的安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )、绝缘靴、绝缘垫有发黏、裂纹、破口(漏气)、气泡、发脆、嵌入导电杂物等缺陷时不应使用。
A.安全带 B.标标示牌 C.验电器 D.绝缘手套 [简答题]1、对给水品质的要求:硬度、溶解氧、PH值、含油量、含盐量、联氨、含铜量、含铁量、电导率必须合格;
A.2 B.5 C.4 D.6 [判断题]高处作业使用的脚手架不需验收即可使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不是蔬菜、水果中富含的成分的是()。
A. 碳水化合物 B. 蛋白质 C. 脂肪 D. 芳香物质 E. 矿物质 [判断题]公务员实行国家统一的职务与级别相结合的工资制度。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]心脏听诊,听到“大炮音”应考虑
A.二尖瓣狭窄 B.P-R间期缩短 C.运动或发热 D.完全性房室传导阻滞 E.甲状腺功能亢进症 我来回答: 提交