Children live in a world in which
science has tremendous importance. During their lifetimes it will affect them
more and more. In time, many of them will work at jobs that depend heavily on
science--for example, concerning energy sources, pollution control, highway
safety, wilderness conservation, and population growth. As taxpayers they will
pay for scientific research and exploration. And, as consumers, they will be
bombarded (受到轰击) by advertising, much of which is said to be based on
science. Therefore, it is important that children, the citizens of the future, become functionally acquainted with science--with the process and spirit of science, as well as with its facts and principles. Fortunately, science has a natural appeal for youngsters. They can relate it to so many things that they encounter--flashlights, tools, echoes A. prove that science is a successful course in school B. point out that science as a course is now poorly taught in school C. suggest that science should be included in the school curriculum D. predict that children who learn science will be good scientists [单选题]浮艇泵在每累计使用( )小时后应更换发动机机油。(中)
A.30 B. 50 C. 100 D. 300 [判断题]( )在掘进断面岩石面积等于或大于4/5巷道称为岩巷。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正线直线普通线路年通过总重不小于8Mt,道床顶面宽度()m。
A.3.1 B.3.4 C.3.5 D.3.6 [单选题]:变压器可以在绝缘及寿命不受影响的前提下,在负载高峰及冬季时可()过负载运行。
A.严重 B.适当 C.不允许 [多选题]铜及铜合金下列牌号中,( )是紫铜。
A. T2 B. TUP C. H62 D. TU2 E. QAl9—4 F. B30 [单选题]在Word中,为了看清文档的排版输出效果,应使用()。
A. 大纲 B. 页面 C. 普通 D. 全屏 [单选题]( )是指通过数据分析、事后核查对行业内部参与单位、业务人员的操作规范性、执行合规性等进行稽核分析排查是否存在因行业人为原因造成的通行费损失等问题。
A.发行稽核 B.运营管理稽核 C.内部稽核 D.外部稽核 [多选题]银行垄断资本和工业垄断资本相融合,最终形成金融资本。其采取的方式有( )。
A.业务合作 B.金融联系 C.资本参与 D.人事参与 [判断题]感应电动势的方向与磁力线方向、导体运动方向相关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]初中教育的个体发展任务是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]心脏泵血功能的评价指标有()。
A. 心排血量 B. 心脏指数 C. 射血分数 D. 循环血量 [判断题]生产经营单位的安全生产管理人员在检查中发现重大事故隐患,必须立即处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题].“文化大革命”是一个阶级推翻另一个阶级的政治运动。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交