The older I grow the more impressed I
am with the role of luck or chance in life. To be born when and where one finds
himself is, of course, from the point of view of the individual pews the
sheerest luck of all--good or bad. There are millions now living in America who would long since have been dead, had they been born or had remained in countries of their parents’ origins. Luck does not determine or explain achievement--merit often plays a preponderant role. This is obvious when we observe the differences in performances among those who have a roughly common environment and are judged by a single, relevant standard. But even to be in a position to be evaluated on one’s merits is a matter of luck or good fortune. Sometimes those who are qualified, and more often, those who are potentially qualified never get the chance. Some A. happiness of all families B. an element of luck C. an escape from well-merited punishment D. innocence [单选题]下列说法中正确的是( )。
A.抽油杆一端为外螺纹,一端为内螺纹 B.抽油杆一端有加粗的锻头 C.抽油杆两端锻头上有连接螺纹和搭扳手用的方形断面 D.抽油杆连接在悬绳器上 [单选题]下列可以放置宫内节育器的情况是
A.陈旧性严重宫颈裂伤 B.宫腔深度大于10cm C.子宫脱垂I度轻 D.滴虫性阴道炎 E.宫颈内口过松 [简答题]什么是粘胶纤维?
[单项选择]下列身份识别技术中,属于生物信息识别技术的是( )。
A. 指纹 B. 密码 C. 口令 D. 通行字 [多选题]建筑倒塌事故处置程序与措施主要包括( )。A、侦察检测
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E F.F G.G [单选题]文明生产三要素指:()。
A.清洁、整齐、定置 B.整理、整洁、清理 C.整理、整齐、定置 D.清洁、清理、定置 [简答题]白砂苔和白霉苔的主病有何不同?
[单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第四十四条规定,持站台票上车并在开车( )分钟后仍不声明时,按无票处理。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [多选题]设备抗振性能的振动试验包括( )部分。
A.冲击性试验 B.拉伸性试验 C.功能性试验 D.耐久性试验 [多项选择]以下选项包含在《入境货物报检单》用途一栏中的有( )。
A. 种用、繁殖 B. 奶用、观赏 C. 演艺、伴侣动物 D. 试验、食用 [简答题]视频监视系统由什么设备组成?
[单选题]中国运动员在第( )届奥运会上实现金牌零的突破。
A.25届 B.26届 C.27届 [多项选择]既补血,又活血的药物是()
A. 阿胶 B. 鸡血藤 C. 大血藤 D. 当归 E. 党参 [多选题]“三专两闭锁”中的“三专”指()。
A.A、专用开关 B.B、专用变压器 C.C、专用风机 D.D、专用线路 [填空题]具有双管供风装置的机车应向( )等其他用风装置提供风源。车辆空气弹簧J166
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