It was a cold winter’s afternoon.
Robert stopped for a moment when he crossed the bridge and looked down at the
river below. There were hardly any {{U}} (36) {{/U}} on the river.
{{U}} (37) {{/U}} the bridge, however, almost directly below,
{{U}} (38) {{/U}} was a small canoe (独木舟) ,with a boy in it. He was
{{U}} (39) {{/U}} wearing many clothes, Robert {{U}} (40) {{/U}} .
He shivered (打了个寒战) and walked on. {{U}} (41) {{/U}} he heard a cry. "Help! Help!" The cry {{U}} (42) {{/U}} from the river. Robert looked down. The boy was {{U}} (43) {{/U}} the water and his canoe was {{U}} (44) {{/U}} away. "Help! Help!" he called again. Robert was a good {{U}} (45) {{/U}} . Taking off his clothes, he {{U}} (46) {{/U}} into the river. The {{U}} (47) {{/U}} water made him tremble a A. pushing B. dragging C. holding D. catching [单选题]双线车站正线进站道岔的定位位置为()。
A.到发线开通的位置 B.车站两端向不同线路开通的位置 C.各该正线开通的位置 D.正线开通的位置 [单项选择]诊断急性胰腺炎的重要依据是()
A. 上腹部疼痛 B. 腹胀,排气,排便停止 C. 肠鸣音减弱 D. 血清淀粉酶超过128温氏单位 E. 腹部X线平片 [单选题]对可能或已经造成人员伤亡或( )的灾害事故,要第一时间电话上报基本情况,第一时间传输现场音视频信息。
A.重大社会影响 B.较大社会影响 C.轻微社会影响 D.有社会影响 [单选题]对压眶刺激出现痛苦表情,没有言语应答,并不能执行简单的命令的意识障碍病人处于下列哪种状态()
A.嗜睡 B.昏睡 C.睁眼昏迷 D.浅昏迷 E.深昏迷 [简答题]流行于陕北等地的“信天游”属于民歌中的哪一类
[单项选择]—Where is Tom —He hasn't come to school today. I think he ______ be ill.
A. 受累平面以下同侧痛、温觉减退 B. 受累平面以下对侧痛温觉减退 C. 受累平面以下对侧各种感觉均减退 D. 受累平面以下同侧各种感觉均减退 E. 受累平面以下双侧各种感觉均减退 [单选题]按分割方式,轨道电路可分为有( )。
A.绝缘轨道电路和无绝缘轨道电路 B.区间轨道电路和站内轨道电路 C.直流轨道电路和交流轨道电路 D.非电气化区段轨道电路和电气化区段轨道电路 [单项选择]
Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about: space. Every person understands himself to have a sort of invisible shield surrounding his physical body. When someone comes too close, he feels uncomfortable. When he bumps onto someone, he feels obligated to apologize. But the size of a person’s "comfort zone" depends on his cultural ethnic origin For example, in casual conversation, many Americans stand about four feet apart. In other words, they like to keep each other "at arms length", people in Latin or Arab cultures, in contrast, stand very close to each other, and touch each other often. If someone from one of those cultures stands too close to an American while in conversation, the American may feel uncomfortable and back away. [单项选择]个性排牙时,不考虑下列哪个因素()
A. 年龄 B. 性别 C. 面形 D. 性格 E. 均考虑 [单选题]足月妊娠,规律性腹痛10小时,官口开大5cm,头先露S-2,大囟门位于11点,小囟门位于5点,此时判断胎位是
A.左枕前位 B.左枕后位 C.右枕前位 D.右枕后位 E.高直后位 [单选题]当某电路有n个节点,m条支路时,用基尔霍夫第一定律可以列出n-1个独立的电流方程,(____)个独立的回路电压方程。
A.m-(n-1) B.m-n-1 C.m-n D.m+n+1 [多项选择]国家通过各种途径,创造劳动就业机会还包括哪些内容是《宪法》第42条的规定。()
A. 加强劳动保护 B. 改善劳动条件 C. 发放劳防用品 D. 规定工作环境 [单选题] 危险化学品仓库的火灾特点,不正确的()。
A. 燃烧猛烈,不易爆炸 B. 物性各异,火势多变 C. 毒害性大,扑救困难 D. 化学灼伤,危及人体 [单选题]十二指肠分哪几部?
A.球部 B.降部 C.水平部 D.升部 E.以上都是 [多选题]地铁灾害事故现场侦察检测的内容有( )。A、各种出入口和通风口、维修洞口位置
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E F.F G.G [单项选择]失血性休克时采取的体位是:()
A. 平卧位 B. 床脚抬高20°,头低位 C. 上半身平卧,床脚抬高20° D. 上半身抬高10°,床脚抬高20° E. 上半身抬高10°,下半身平卧 [填空题]
The newly unemployed have different attitudes towards new
jobs. Complaining of the social problems and enjoying their free time, some of
them just wait passively for help. Moreover, they are rather fussy about
government {{U}} (36) {{/U}} jobs. Their typical job requirements include
good pay, {{U}} (37) {{/U}} social position and nice working environment.
To their disappointment, no such jobs are {{U}} (38) {{/U}} yet and they
have let good opportunities slip by. In contrast, most of the unemployed are
practical, facing the {{U}} (39) {{/U}} with courage and seizing any
opportunity with {{U}} (40) {{/U}} . Instead of complaining and relying
on others, they are {{U}} (41) {{/U}} hunting all sorts of jobs by
themselves. They attend job training schools to acquire new {{U}} (42)
{{/U}} skills while holding odd jobs. Since China is heavily {{U}} (43)
{{/U}}in the construction of her infrastructure which provides many jobs,
millions of th
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