Medical bills in the United States have
risen violently since 1960’s and steps need to be taken to reverse this trend or
the average American will not be able to afford medical care. The major factor
in increasing the cost of medical care has been the dramatic increase in the
cost of hospital services. The rise in the cost of hospitalization can be only
partly blamed on inflation (通货膨胀)since hospital bills in the last two decades
have risen at a considerably higher rate than inflation. Another factor cited by doctors as a major cause for the increase in the cost of medical care is malpractice(治疗错误). Increasingly large awards for malpractice have caused doctors to increase their rates to cover the higher malpractice insurance. Because of the large malprac A. Inflation is having a terrible effect on medical bills. B. Insurance companies are at fault in raising medical bills. C. Action is needed to stop increase in medical bills. D. Doctors need to work to decrease malpractice. [判断题]摘除蜂窝火攻法适用于桥洞下、钢架上的单个蜂窝。摘取时应先侦察选定火攻的途径,用竹竿或木棒将棉纱扎成火炬形,浸少量汽油。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]耐张串上的弹簧销子、螺栓及穿钉均由上向下穿;当使用W弹簧销子时,绝缘子大口均应向上;当使用R弹簧销子时,绝缘子大口均向下。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《工程建设项目勘察设计招标投标办法》(八部委2号令),勘察设计招标中评标委员会可以要求投标人对其技术文件进行必要的说明或介绍,不得提出带有暗示性或诱导性的问题,但可以明确指出其投标文件中的遗漏和错误。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]安全带在使用()后应抽验一次,频繁使用应经常进行外观检查,发现异常必须立即更换。定期或抽样试验用过的安全带,不准再继续使用。
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 [名词解释]幼儿园总务
[判断题]正常情况下,供给负载的电源是外供交流电源经UPS整流、逆变后输出的110V交流电源。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]从商业方面考虑,采样的主要目的是()。
A. 验证样品是否符合合同的规定 B. 检查生产过程中泄漏的有害物质是否超过允许极限 C. 验证是否符合合同的规定 D. 保证产品销售质量,以满足用户的要求 [判断题]营销策划自始至终都是由人来完成的,是客体作用于主体之后形成的主观产物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]认为“游戏是为未来准备”的游戏理论是( )
A.剩余精力说 B.复演论 C.松弛说 D.生活预备说 [判断题]乘客事务按事务内容可分类为:规范服务、设施设备、列车运行、车站环境。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Ⅱ度重型子宫脱垂是指
A. 子宫颈已达处女膜缘,但未超出 B. 宫颈及宫体全部脱出阴道口外 C. 宫颈外口距处女膜缘小于4cm,但未达处女膜缘 D. 宫颈已脱出阴道口,但宫体仍在阴道内 E. 宫颈及部分宫体脱出阴道口 我来回答: 提交