DO 10 K=1,N
10 S=S*K
My Views on Gambling Most of life is a gamble. Very many of the things we do involve taking some risk in order to achieve a satisfactory result. We undertake a new job with no idea of the more indirect consequences of our action. Marriage is certainly a gamble and so is the bringing into existence of children, who could prove sad liabilities. A journey, a business transaction, even a chance remark may result immediately or ultimately in tragedy. Perpetually we gamble-against life, destiny, chance, the unknown, call the invisible opponent what we will. Human survival and progress indicate that usually we win. So the gambling instinct must be an elemental one. Taking risks to achieve something is a characteristic of all forms of life, including humanity. As soon as man acquired property, the challenge he habitually issue A. The more the methods to gamble, the fewer the chance to succeed. B. Commonsense plays a role in succeeding in a gamble. C. The more methods there are, the less profit we will make. D. The more methods there are, the more chances for us to win a gamble. [多项选择]产业活动单位必备的条件有( )。
A. 依法成立,有自己的名称、组织机构和场所,能够独立承担民事责任 B. 在一个场所从事一种或主要从事一种社会经济活动 C. 相对独立组织生产经营或业务活动 D. 能够掌握收人和支出等业务核算资料 E. 会计上独立核算,能够编制资产负债表 [单项选择]剂型()
A. 根据药典或药政管理部门批准的质量标准而制备的药物应用形式的具体品种 B. 研究药物制剂的处方设计、基本理论、制备工艺和合理应用的综合性技术科学 C. 为适应治疗或预防的需要而制备的药物应用形式 D. 国家记载药品标准、规格的法典 E. 药品生产质量管理规范 [判断题]信号机机柱的倾斜不准超过36mm。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]电流源电路的特点是输出电流恒定,交流等效电阻()
A. 等于零 B. 比直流等效电阻小 C. 等于直流等效电阻 D. 远远大于直流等效电阻 [单选题]咯痰白稠、量多,滑而易出者是( )
A.寒痰 B.燥痰 C.热痰 D.湿痰 E.肺痈之痰 [多选题]在车辆段/停车场(含试车线)或影响车场线行车的施工为()类
A.B1 B.B2 C.B3 [单选题]( )是指以规范和约束公权力为重点建立的有效的法治化权力监督网络。
A.完备的法律规范体系 B.高效的法治实施体系 C.严密的法治监督体系 D.有力的法治保障体系 [判断题]因为封头的尺寸不能太多,压力容器筒体的直径必须按一定的公称直径系列来选取,而不是单纯按化工工艺要求来确定。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交