Crystal Ear{{/B}} One day a friend asked my wife Jill if I wanted a hearing aid. "He certainly does," replied Jill. After hearing about a remarkable new product, Jill finally got up the nerve to ask me if I’d ever thought about getting a hearing aid. "No way," I said. "It would make me look 20 years older." "No, no," she replied. "This is entirely different. It’s Crystal Ear!" Jill was right. Crystal Ear is different--not the old-styled body worn or over-the-ear aid, but an advanced personal sound system so small that it’s like contacts (隐形眼镜) for your ears. And Crystal Ear is super-sensitive and powerful, too. You will hear sounds your ears have been missing for years. Crystal Ear will make speech louder, and the sound is pure and natural. I couldn’t believe how tiny it is. It is smaller than A. it is not serious. B. Crystal Ear is not yet available. C. it is not easy to have it treated. D. they don’t want to look old. [多选题]I/O控制箱内模块故障主要包括( )
A.硬件故障 B.接线松动 C.通信故障 D.电源故障 E.继电器故障 [判断题]线路设备状态评定应以千米为单位,85(含)~60分为合格。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某施工机械的台班产量为500m3,与之配合的工人小组有4人,则人工时间定额为( )。
A. 0.2工日/m3 B. 0.8工日/m3 C. 0.2工日/100m3 D. 0.8工日/100m3 [单选题]实施舌系带矫正术的合适年龄是
A.1岁以内 B.2岁后,婴幼儿学会说话后 C.5岁后 D.1~2岁,婴幼儿学说话前 E.出生6个月 [填空题]设矩阵A=E+2αβT,其中α,β是n维列向量,且αTβ=2,则A-1=______。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不满16周岁的人违反治安管理的,不予处罚,但是应当责令其监护人严加管教。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列环境因素中,不属于环境敏感区范围的是( )。
A. 国家重点文物保护单位 B. 珍稀动植物栖息地或特殊生态系统 C. 人口密集区、文教区、党政机关集中的办公地点 D. 城市规划中的工业区 [单项选择]下列属于会计基础工作的是()。
A. 人力资源管理 B. 会计凭证的填写 C. 物流设计 D. 委托人才招聘 [单选题]患者,男,60岁。高血压病史15年,突发剧烈头痛,眩晕,恶心,呕吐,失语。查体:无肢体活动障碍,血压200/120mmHg(26.6/16kPa),神经反射正常。应首先考虑的是
A.急进型高血压 B.缓进型高血压 C.高血压脑病 D.高血压性脑出血 E.高血压性心脏病 我来回答: 提交