The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photographer’s fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art (1) distinctive from merely a practical art. Throughout the nineteenth century, the defense of photography was identical with the (2) to establish it as a fine art. (3) the charge that photographers was a soulless mechanical duplication of (4) , photographers (5) that it was instead a privileged (6) of seeing, a revolt against commonplace vision, and (7) worthy an art than painting.
Ironically, (8) photography is securely established as a fine art, many photographers find it pretentious or (9) to label it as such. Serious photographers are no longer willing to (10) whether photography is not involved with art, (11) to proclaim that their own work is not involved with it. This shows the extent (12)
A. hence
B. however
C. therefore
D. somewhat
Some people feel sad or depressed
during the winter months in northern areas of the world. They may have trouble
eating or sleeping. They suffer{{U}} (1) {{/U}}a condition known as
Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. {{U}} (2) {{/U}}of SAD{{U}} (3) {{/U}}its effects during the short, dark days of{{U}} (4) {{/U}}. The problems are most{{U}} (5) {{/U}}in the months when there are fewer hours of daylight. When spring arrives, these signs{{U}} (6) {{/U}}and SAD victims feel{{U}} (7) {{/U}}again. The National Mental Health Association reports that SAD can{{U}} (8) {{/U}}anyone. The group says young people and women are{{U}} (9) {{/U}}the highest risk for the disorder. It says that an estimated twenty-five percent of the American population suffers from some form of SAD. About five percent suffer from a severe form of the A. dangerous B. severe C. critical D. essential [单项选择]损失发生的可能性称为______
A. 损失期望值 B. 损失幅度 C. 损失概率 D. 损失方差 [判断题]柱上变压器台架工作,应先断开变压器台架的高压线路的隔离开关(刀闸)或跌落式熔断器,再断开低压侧的空气开关、刀开关,高低压侧验电、接地后,方可工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]充电电容的电压达到网压( )时,短接接触器闭合,充电接触器断开
A.0.8 B.0.82 C.0.85 D.0.9 [多选题]从事“___”现场倒闸作业人员应由安全等级不低于三级人员担任。
A.隔离开关 B.负荷开关 C.断路器 D.避雷器 [判断题]在高空利用绳索救人或者自救时,设置不少于3处安全固定支点,且固定支点应受力于不同物体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]安全标志牌至少每()检查一次。
A. 一个月 B. 三个月 C. 半年 D. 一年 [单选题]( )是秦岭山脉的一个支脉,东西绵延25公里,海拔1302米。
A.翠华山 B.太白山 C.华山 D.骊山 [判断题]特殊高处作业,必须加强安全措施,在确保安全的情况下才可进行高处作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]诊断阻塞性肺气肿有决定意义的辅助检查是
A.支气管镜检查 B.X线胸片 C.血气分析 D.肺通气功能 E.血常规 [单项选择]企业短期融资券待偿还余额不得超过企业______的______。( )
A. 净资产;60% B. 总资产;60% C. 净资产;40% D. 总资产;40% [多项选择]在下列事物中,属于历史唯物主义的“社会存在”的有()
A. 人们实践活动所利用的自然资源 B. 人们在实践活动中所形成的各种生产方式 C. 人们实践活动所创造的生产力 D. 规范人们实践活动的法律制度 [单选题]4号线CC机柜电源安全继电器替换上限为( )。
A.5年 B.10年 C.15年 D. 20 年 [单选题]从事牵引变电所运行和检修工作的人员,( )定期进行1次安全考试。
A.每月 B.每半年 C.每年 D.每两年 [单项选择]SQL Server 2000的数据以页为基本存储单位,页的大小为______。
A. 16kb B. 64kb C. 32kb D. 8kb [多项选择]关于出口退(免)税的规定的陈述,正确的有( )。
A. 小规模纳税人的征收率为3%,直接出口货物实行免税办法 B. 外贸企业从小规模纳税人购进并持普通发票的一般货物,也可以实行出口退税 C. 我国出口退(免)税的税种仅限于增值税和消费税 D. 出口享受免征增值税的货物,其耗用的原材料支付的进项税额,不能从内销货物的销项税额中抵扣 E. 小规模纳税人出口的自用旧设备和外购旧设备,实行免税不退税的办法 [单项选择]《宿舍建筑设计规范》规定,七层及七层以上各单元的楼梯间均应通至屋顶。但( )以下的宿舍,在每层居室通向楼梯间的出入口处有乙级防火门分隔时,则该楼梯间可不通至屋顶。
A. 八层 B. 九层 C. 十层 [简答题]Just like the work of Einstein, the new discovery _______________ (对于人类必定大有用处).
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