On a four-day trip to Ethiopia, I had a
dream. In my dream, I saw two men, one older and one younger, facing one another
against a background of temples and pyramids. The father was speaking as he
performed the oil ceremony for his son. I became excited in the possibility of
performing a visiting ceremony (31) my son in Africa. For
the next six days I privately wondered what (32) to use in
such a ceremony. Gradually the words (33) me. By the time we
arrived in Cairo, I was ready. I told my son that there was a ceremony I wanted
to (34) him in the tombs in Egypt. His eyes shone with
(35) . But I wondered if he would still be receptive after my
next statement. In the dream I remembered that the son was oiled, as it
(36) , with a dry substance. I took this to mean that powder
(37) oil was used. But A. brought to B. went to C. came to D. arrived to [简答题]简述CRH2A(统型)动车组BP 救援装置如何传递车辆制动指令。
A.本金安全性低 B.存在较高风险 C.股转系统交易为主 D.机构投资者参与为主 [单项选择]新斯的明最强的作用是
A. 兴奋胃肠道平滑肌 B. 兴奋膀胱平滑肌 C. 缩小瞳孔 D. 兴奋骨骼肌 E. 增加腺体分泌 [单选题]重庆跨座式单轨车的牵引主回路中,符号MF的位置在 ( )。( )
A.辅助接地开关箱 B.母线隔离开关箱 C.主隔离开关箱 D.主熔断器箱 [多选题]落实党对国家综合性消防救援队伍绝对领导的根本原则和制度,严守政治纪律和政治规矩,增强( ),坚定( ),做到( )。
A.四个意识 B.四个自信 C.两个维护 D.四个伟大 [多选题]根据《人民币鉴别仪通用技术条件》(GB_16999-2010),以下说法正确的是_______。
A.鉴别仪使用寿命一般为3年 B.鉴别仪使用寿命一般为4年 C.磁鉴别技术是指点验钞时对纸币磁性特征进行分析的鉴别技术 D.光鉴别技术是指点验钞时对纸币光学特征进行分析的鉴别技术 [单选题]ZY(J)6型电液转辙机锁闭柱与锁闭杆缺囗两侧的间隙外锁闭为()。
A.1.5mm B.1.5mm±0.5mm C.2mm D.2mm±0.5mm 我来回答: 提交