Auctions (拍卖) are public sales of
goods, conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asks the crowd
assembled in the auction room to make offers, or "bids", for the various items
on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures, and finally names the
highest bidder as the buyer of goods. This is called "knocking down the goods,
for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a table at
which he stands, This is often set on a raised platform called a
rostrum. The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin auction, meaning "increase". The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war; these sales were called "subusta", meaning "under the spear", a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather. In the eighteenth and nineteent A. spoilt goods B. property taken from the enemy C. old worn-out weapons D. spears [单选题]国家综合性消防救援队伍人员证件是证明消防救援队伍人员身份,依照法律规定享受国家和社会给予消防救援人员的荣誉和相应待遇的( )。
A.有效证件 B.证件 C.证明 D.情况说明 [填空题]大多数火器伤清创应在伤后()h内进行,如早期应用抗生素,无明显感染征象,伤后()h仍可清创。
[单选题]( )822.供城市详细规划和工程项目的初步设计之用的是( )比例尺的地形图。
A.1:10000 B.1:5000 C.1:2000 D.1:500 [多项选择]水磨石面层对水泥的一般要求有()。
A. 白色或浅色的水磨石面层,应采用白水泥 B. 同颜色的面层应使用同一批水泥 C. 各种水泥中均不可渗入酸性颜料 D. 水泥强度等级不应小于32.5 [单选题]连接设备金属结构和接地体的 称作接地线。
A.金属导体(包括连接线) B.连接螺栓(包括电源线) C.金属导体(包括连接螺栓)D.电源线和连接螺栓 [单项选择]质量手册中可不包括()。
A. 质量方针目标 B. 程序或引用 C. 过程顺序和相互关系 D. 删除细节与合理性说明 [多项选择]建设项目管理类型的划分角度有( )。
A. 按管理主体分 B. 按管理对象分 C. 按服务对象分 D. 按服务阶段分 E. 按服务内容分 [填空题]机车处于正常工作状态时,蓄电池是处于()工作状态、其电压为()。
A.禁闭 B.停止执行职务 C.警告 D.停止执行职务、禁闭 我来回答: 提交