人民法院为什么要撤销县地税局的处罚决定? The moon appears to warp the minds of
some men. Despite putting men on the moon in 1969 America seems determined on
re-enacting the space race, this time pitting its efforts against those of the
Chinese. Now a Russian company claims it could develop a system to exploit the
moon’s natural resources and potentially relocate harmful industries there. This
is lunacy. Russia certainly has great prowess in space. In its former guise as the centre of power in the Soviet Union it launched the first man-made satellite in 1957. In a spectacular follow up, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space in 1961. Another triumph came in 1968 when the Russians sent a spaceship to orbit the moon with turtles aboard, returning it and its living cargo safely to Earth. An unmanned Russian spacecraft also landed on the moon ahead of the first man A. an effort to explore the universe. B. a kind of insane state connected with the moon. C. the ability to transfer harmful industries onto the moon. D. the power to orbit around the moon. [判断题]信号机应设在列车运行方向的左侧或其所属线路的中心线上空。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]剧院.电影院.礼堂等人员密集的公共场所容纳人数不超过2000人时,每个安全出口的平均疏散人数不应超过()人。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.250 [判断题]功率半导体器件导通时,流过的电流由外电路决定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]许可开始工作的命令应通知到工作负责人。其方法可采用当面许可、约时许可、电话许可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对涉及两个以上政府工作部门共同办理的行政执法事项,()以上人民政府可以确定一个部门统一受理申请,将相关事项抄告相关部门,实行并联办理。
A.省级 B.市级 C.县级 D.乡级 [多项选择]在配位反应中,对络合剂Y的副反应主要是()。
A. 羟基络合效应 B. 配位效应 C. 酸效应 D. 共存离子效应 [单项选择]{{B}}第二篇{{/B}}