Everybody loathes it, but everybody
does it A recent poll showed that 20% of Americans hate the practice. It seems
so arbitrary, after all. Why does a barman get a tip, but not a doctor who saves
lives In America alone, tipping is now a $ 16 billion-a-year industry. Consumers acting rationally ought not to pay more than they have to for a given service. Tips should not exist. So why do they The conventional wisdom is that tips both reward the efforts of good service and reduce uncomfortable feelings of inequality. The better the service, the bigger the tip. Such explanations no doubt explain the purported origin of tipping--in the 16th century, boxes in English taverns carried the phrase "To Insure Promptitude" (later just "TIP") . But according to new research from Cornell University, tipping no longer serves any useful func A. are not expected to give any tip to the waiter or waitress B. had better tip more than 15% so as not to be shamed C. may be looked down upon when offering a considerable tip D. are thought of as generous if they tip 15% [多项选择]会计信息系统提供的会计信息必须具有( )特征。
A. 可转换性 B. 可再生性 C. 可传递性 D. 可识别性 [单选题]《劳动法》规定,从事( )的劳动者必须经过专门培训并取得特种作业资格。
A.特种作业 B.特殊专业一般作业 C.危害专业 D.危险作业 [单选题]各种货票、货运杂费收据等未印金额的票据丢失,运输收人事故金额按每组( )计算。
A.100元 B.500元 C.1000元 D.2000元 [单选题]除腹痛外,高位小肠梗阻最主要症状是
A.腹胀明显 B.呕吐频繁 C.停止排便排气 D.肠腔积气 E.肠蠕动亢进 [单项选择]西方近代如果从文艺复兴开始,那么结束的时间标志是:()
A. 法国大革命 B. 英国光荣革命 C. 美国南北战争结束 D. 一战结束 [单项选择]为保证掘进工作面的安全,必须装备的“风电闭锁”装置是指()。
A. 局部通风机发生故障停转后,立即切断局部通风机的供电电源 B. 只有检测到局部通风机及其开关附近风流中的瓦斯浓度都不超限,才能被启动 C. 停止送风后立即切断被控设备的电源,送风后才能给其复电 D. 瓦斯超限后,立即切断局部通风机的供电电源 [简答题]
There’s no doubt that the computer has enlarged man’s working capacity as well as his intellectual capacity enormously. Er … but it brings with it dangers to match the benefits. Now by this, I mean danger to physical and mental well being of the people who work at computer terminals, not the dangers to personal privacy or national or industrial security. [判断题]胶结充填体中的二次掘进,应待胶结充填体达到规定的养护期和强度后方准进行,同时应架设可靠的支护。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交