I came across an old country guide the
other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the
country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were
available on one’s own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside. Nowadays a superficial traveler in rural England might conclude that the only village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. Admittedly there has been a contraction of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable. Our local grocer’s shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuei A. there is a wide range of goods available. B. goods not in stock can be especially obtained for the old. C. special attention is given to the needs of wealthier customers. D. goods are always restocked before they run out. [简答题]卫生部门建议成年人每天最好进行多少时间的中等强度运动?
A.AIO主板 B.NPORT C.路由器 D.车务终端 [判断题]折角塞门用来开通或遮断制动主管与制动软管之间的空气通路。( )P131T536
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]气灭系统的启动瓶的气体为压缩空气。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]气测录井资料录取要求,热真空蒸馏气分析时,在记录曲线上标注钻井液样品________并填写分析记录。
[单选题]在空中时能否使用服务内话 系统:
A.能 B.不能 [单选题]关于“火箭电泳”,哪些叙述是正确的( )
A.利用了“单向免疫扩散”的原理 B.利用了“双向免疫扩散”的原理 C.利用了“平板电泳”的原理 D.由在“单向免疫扩散平板”两端加上电场而形成 E.利用凝集反应的原理 [单项选择]用水平仪检验车床导轨的倾斜方向时,气泡移动方向与水平仪一致为十,表示导轨()。
A. 向上倾斜 B. 向下倾斜 C. 水平 D. 垂直 [多选题]空调客车采暖系统的作用是对送入车内空气进行( )和对车内空气进行( )。
A.预热 B.快速加热 C.缓慢加热 D.补偿加热 E.瞬间加热 [单项选择]财务管理的核心是( )。
A. 财务预测 B. 财务决策 C. 财务预算 D. 财务控制 [单选题]( )是铁路工作永恒的主题。
A.注重质量、讲究信誉 B.安全第一、预防为主 C.尊客爱货、优质服务 D.团结协作、顾全大局 [简答题]某工程中有一种设备须从国外进口。招标文件中规定投标者必须对其做出详细报价。进口关税税率为25%,消费税税率为20%,进口增值税税率为17%,国内运输费为40万元,国内运输保险费率为完税后货价的0.2%。该设备投标价CIF为1600万元。
[单项选择]数据库组织指有组织地、动态地存储在计算机上的相互联系着的( )的集合。
A. 信息 B. 数据 C. 文字 D. 图像 [单选题]()负责在不停航施工期间,对标志标记牌、人员车辆及道面情况进行检查
A.飞行区监管中心 B.安全管理部 C.飞行区管理部 D.航空安全保卫部 我来回答: 提交