The food you eat does more than provide energy. It can have a dramatic effect on your body’s ability to fight off heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and weak bones. With remarkable consistency, recent research has found that a diet high in plant-based foods—fruits, vegetables, dried peas and beans, grains, and starchy staples such as potatoes—is the body’s best weapon in thwarting many health-related problems. These foods work against so many diseases that the same healthy ingredients you might use to protect your heart or ward off cancer will also benefit your intestinal tract and bones;
Scientists have recently estimated that approximately 30 to 40 percent of all cancers could be averted if people ate more fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods and minimized high-fat, high-calorie edibles that have scant nutritional value. Up to 70 percent of cancers might be eliminated if people also stopped smoking, exercise
A. Today you can get calcium without eating any high-fat or high-calorie foods by choosing skim milk or low-fat yogurt.
B. Calcium plays an important role in the movement of protein and nutrients inside cells.
C. You can rely on pills instead of a calcium-rich diet to take enough calcium.
D. If you want to absorb calcium, you should expose yourself to the sun's rays.
Saudi Arabia, the oil industry’s swing
producer, has become its flip-flopper. In February, it persuaded OPEC to cut its
total production quotas by lm barrels per day (bpd), to 23.5m, as a precaution
against an oil-price crash this spring. That fear has since been replaced by its
opposite. The price of West Texas crude hit $40 last week, its highest since the
eve of the first Iraq war, prompting concerns that higher oil prices could sap
the vigour of America’s recovery and compound the frailty of Europe’s. On
Monday May 10th, Ali al-Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s energy minister, called on OPEC to
raise quotas, by at least 1. 5m bpd, at its next meeting on June 3rd. Thus far, the high oil price has been largely a consequence of good things, such as a strengthening world economy, rather than a cause of bad things, such as faster inflation or sl A. U.S. currency is exerting a positive influence over oil price B. another oil-price shock is inevitable given its continuing rise C. the rise of oil price could affect world economy negatively D. Goldman Sachs remained optimistic about the situation [单选题]对前臂开放性损伤,大量出血时,上止血带的部位应在()处。
A.上臂中上1/3 B.前臂中上1/3 C.上臂下1/3 [单选题]血栓闭塞性脉管炎营养障碍期的特征性的表现是( )
A.间歇性跛行 B.足背静脉搏动减弱 C.肢体坏疽 D.游走性浅静脉炎 E.静息痛 [判断题]公安机关办理治安案件,对被侵害人或者善意第三人合法占有的财产,不得扣押,应当予以登记。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 生产经营单位应当建立健全生产安全事故隐患排查治理制度,采取技术、管理措施,及时发现并消除事故隐患。事故隐患排查治理情况应当如实记录,并向()通报。
A.工会 B.主要负责人 C.从业人员 D.安全管理人员 [判断题]透光法适用于小型、且间隙小的冷冲模间隙调整
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]槟榔治绦虫时,其用量为
A.5~10g B.10~15g C.10~20g D.30~60g [单项选择]牙尖交错拾时下颌骨的位置称
A. 牙位 B. 正中关系 C. 下颌姿势位 D. 颌位 E. 息止颌位 [多选题]( )等有机化学配料和汽油易燃物品,应分开存放。
A.调和漆 B.溶剂 C.乙烯剂 D.以上均不正确 我来回答: 提交