For the past few weeks we’ve been discussing national energy conservation alternatives for the future. Today I’m going to talk about what one community is presently doing to conserve energy. The people of Davis, California have succeeded in cutting their energy consumption by one third since 1973. The first energy saving action that was taken in the early 70’s was the Legislation of Brick Building Codes. All new houses in Davis must have the proper heat insulation so that heat will not escape unnecessarily during the winter. New houses must also face north or south so that they will not be overheated by the sun in the summer. The law has had a definite effect. Since 1976 there has been a 50 percent savings in the amount of natural gas and electricity used in heating and air-conditioning.
There were other energy saving features about Davis: buses partially supported by the city, transporting university students throughout the area. There are 24 miles of b
A. To limit discussion on heating bills.
B. To prevent heat loss.
C. To determine the temperature in homes.
D. To convert homes to electric heat.
Fortunately there are still a few tasty
things for us to enjoy in relative security. Their numbers, however, are
depleted almost daily, it seems, by ruthless proclaimations from the
ever-watchful Food and Drug Administration and its allies, our doctors, The
latest felon(重罪犯) to face prosecution is the salt of life, sodium
chloride(食盐). Apparently, overuse of salt causes high blood pressure and hypertension, the cause of half the deaths in the United States every year. A few years ago the anti-salt campaigners raised such an uproar that salt was banned from baby food. Currently pressure is being applied to food manufacturers to oblige them to label their products to show sodium content. Because doing so would cost manufacturers money, they argue that they have no idea how much salt remains on such things as potato chips and how m A. angry B. humorous C. scientific D. sympathetic [判断题]跨线路作业及作业完毕后须进行设备试验的项目,严禁异地注销。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]各类小车应配置足够跟车人员、随车防护员。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]一个shipping公司的历史 他觉得蒸汽船在以后会?more reliable
[单选题]运用客车车轮踏面连续剥离总长度不超过( )。
A.300mm B.350mm C.200mm D.250mm [单选题]车轮踏面上的缺陷或剥离长度不超过40mm,深度不超过()mm。J170
A.0.5 B.0.7 C.1 [简答题]离心泵停泵:与厂调度室及车间中控室联系并确认。
[单选题]已知一位顾客选择一副规格为52-16的镜架,其瞳距为60mm,则镜片光学中心水平移心量为( )mm。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [简答题]如何鉴别人民币的真伪?
吊钩安全检查的内容,正确的是( ) A.吊钩不得有裂纹。 B.危险断面磨损达原厚度的8%应报废。 C.扭转变形不得超过10%。 D.危险断面或吊钩颈部不得产生塑性变形。 E.吊钩补焊应牢固。 [单选题]在气温高于35℃或轨温高于50℃时,特别是轨温较实际锁定轨温超过30℃的地段,要( )
A.复紧扣件 B.进行应力放散 C.扣件涂油 D.增加巡热人员 [单项选择]依照《中华人民共和国药品管理法》,医疗机构配制的制剂应当是()
A. 本单位临床需要的品种 B. 市场上供应较少的品种 C. 本单位科研需要的品种 D. 本单位临床需要而市场上没有供应的品种 E. 市场上没有供应的品种 [单选题]下列哪种原因可引起尿道球部损
A.骨盆骨折 B.会阴部骑跨伤 C.下腹部撞击 D.高出跌下 [单项选择]患者女,32岁,已婚。继发加重性痛经伴经量过多4年,经服百消丹治疗,效果欠佳。经期小腹冷痛,喜温畏冷,经血有块,块下痛减,形寒肢冷,舌暗苔白,脉弦紧。已确诊为子宫内膜异位症,治疗应首选()
A. 生化汤 B. 膈下逐瘀汤 C. 桃红四物汤 D. 血府逐瘀汤 E. 少腹逐瘀汤 [单选题]终端到PDN的ICMP报文Echo(ping)request到Echo(ping)reply的时间是10ms,gNB到PDN的ICMP报文Echo(ping)request到Echo(ping)reply的时间是2ms,那么单向用户面时延是
A.3ms B.4ms C.5ms D.6ms [判断题]在注水泥段环形空间完全充满水泥浆的前提下,水泥浆在凝结过程中的胶凝是高压油气井固井发生油、气、水窜的主要原因。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]构成心左缘的主要是()
A. 左心房 B. 右心房 C. 左心室 D. 右心室 E. 左心室、右心室 [多项选择]
患者女,65岁,因“多饮、多尿4年余,发现血钙升高1年9个月”来诊。近1周食欲减退、恶心、呕吐,口干明显,便秘。既往史:结节性甲状腺肿8年。查体:T36.5℃,P106次/min,R30次/min,BP90/50mmHg;意识清楚,精神萎靡;皮肤、口唇干燥;甲状腺Ⅱ度肿大,可触及多个结节,质中,无压痛;HR106次/min,律齐;双下肢无水肿。 为明确诊断应立即进行的检查项目包括()A. 胃镜 B. 肝、肾功能 C. 血常规 D. 甲状腺功能 E. 血电解质 F. 动脉血气分析 [单项选择]干酪样坏死是下列哪种疾病的特征性病变()
A. 结核 B. 麻风 C. 梅毒 D. 风湿病 E. 伤寒 [单选题]消防直流水枪的喷嘴分为 13mm、()、19mm 三种规格。
A.22mm B.10mm C.8mm D.16mm 我来回答: 提交