请根据下面短文回答第61~65题: Dear Harry Potter, Hi! I’m Kevin from India. I really feel lucky to write you a letter. Though I live far away from your world, I think we are a little alike. You are a great wizard (奇才). You have done lots of magical things to be amazed at. Although I don’t do magic, I do believe in it. Well, I’m also a wizard at school. And I can often get As, but I am not a bookworm. I like to play jokes in class, which sometimes make my teachers angry. I also have many friends. They often get me into and out of trouble. No matter what has hap- pened, we still get close together. Oh, I almost forget to tell you that our school is almost like yours, Hogwarts. It’s a special one for excellent students. We have modem classes and technology lessons. But when much is g [单选题] 定量分析远近距离隐性斜视,采用( )。
A.注视差异视标 B.马氏杆视标 C.垂直对齐视标 D.立体视视标 [填空题]原型化方法不过分强调系统开发的阶段划分,也不刻意追求事先完全认清信息需求,而是在逐步实现的过程中完成系统的定义。显然它使用了 ______ 技术克服了传统生命周期方法事先严格定义需求、缺乏弹性、开发周期过长的缺陷,同时也减小了系统开发的风险。
A. 遵义会议以后 B. 第一次国内革命战争以后 C. 第二次国内革命战争以后 D. 红军长征胜利以后 [单选题]酸碱指示剂的颜色随溶液( )的变化而变化。
A.PH值 B.浓度 C.电导率 D.温度 [简答题]数据库设计方法应包括哪些内容?
[单项选择]The sound from the wastebasket was made by ______.
A. some mice B. the waste paper C. the basket D. Walt Disney [单项选择]当期望检测的差异值变小(其他都保持不变)时,power(1-β)会发生什么变化?()
A. 降低 B. 增加 C. 保持不变 D. 以上皆不是 [不定项选择题]共用题干
If you made a list of all the jobs performed by the different kinds of energy,you would fill many pages.
Nuclear energy is used in some areas of the United States.But there are dangers.Waste materials from nuclear______(51)would destroy life if they leaked______(52)the land.When nuclear energy is produced,a lot of______(53)is produced,too,50 a flow of lake or ocean water 15 used to cool the operations.Then the water______(54)to its source.If the returning water were too hot,it would destroy fish and other______(55). Cow manure is being used to produce a kind of______(56).The manure from farms is put into a machine to convert it to a liquid.Then the gas 15 formed______(57)a natural process.If the converter were not 50______(58)at the present time,it would be used in many places to provide______(59). Garbage has become an energy source.It______(60)to oil,steam,or electricity,or it is used on the land. But recent______(61)about power supplies has led to increased interest in the use of wind______(62)a source of electrical power.Windmills are clean and they______(63)no waste.And they use a______(64)resource.Some scientists consider that wind energy systems can fulfill a valuable______(65)in meeting the energy needs of industrialized nations and of the developing world. _________(61) A.consideration B.thought C.concern D.interest [单项选择]有增强机体免疫功能作用的成分是()
A. 麻黄碱 B. 茯苓多糖 C. 厚朴酚 D. 麻黄碱 E. 茵陈炔酮 [单选题]硫化氢检测仪第二级报警值应设置在安全临界浓度( )。( )
A.10mg/m3(15ppm) B.20mg/m3(30ppm) C.30mg/m3(20ppm) D.15mg/m3(10ppm) [单选题]各种垄断组织虽然形式不同,但本质都是为了()
A.避免两败俱伤 B.联合起来共同发展 C.相互之间竞争 D.获取高额垄断利润 [判断题]起道是矫正线路的的平面将钢轨和轨枕一起横移至规定的位置
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]乳胶凝集试验可用于检测下列哪种类风湿因子
A. IgA型 B. IgM型 C. IgG型 D. IgE型 E. IgD型 [多项选择]非法携带、邮寄危险物质(烟花爆竹)违法行为是指违反国家对烟花爆竹的运输管理规定,()等,尚不够刑事处罚的行为。
A. 邮寄烟花爆竹 B. 托运烟花爆竹 C. 携带烟花爆竹搭乘公共交通工具 D. 在托运的行李、包裹、邮件中夹带烟花爆竹 [单选题]
SF6断路器的压力参数(表压)最高()MPa。 A.0.5 B.0.6 C.0.7 D.0.8 " [多选题]锚杆的作用包括( )。
A. 悬吊作用 B. 组合岩梁 C. 承载岩拱 D. 造型岩供 E. 加固作用 [单选题]沥青的化学组分为沥青质、芳香分、饱和分。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]肉的尸僵作用会使肉变得( )。
A.消耗营养 B.增加水分 C.易于成熟 D.不易煮烂 [单选题]检查设备运行情况和各项技术,经济指标是否( )和标准【防寒培训教材供电分册第1章第6节】
A.正常 B.维修 C.保养 D.定期检测 [判断题] 在一定的时期内,一定条件下,对某一工序强化管理,使之处于良好状态,这一工序即为质量管理点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 光面要求爆破后壁面平整,不平整度要控制在( )cm范围内。
A. 5~10 B. 10~15 C. 15~20 D. 10~20 [判断题]贷审会要审议信贷业务的保证措施是否到位以及信贷风险和防范措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]宠物小狗对主人很忠诚,不离不弃,它是有道德的。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交