Consumers and producers obviously make
decisions that mold the economy, but there is a third major (61)
to consider the role of government. Government has a powerful
(62) on the economy in at least four ways: Direct Services. The postal system, for example, is a federal system (63) the entire nation, as is the large and complex establishment. Conversely the construction and (64) of most highways, the (65) of the individual states, and the public educational systems, despite a large funding role by the federal government, are primarily (66) for by country or city governments. Police and fire protection and sanitation (67) are also the responsibilities of local government. Regulation and Control. The government regulates and controls private (68) in, many ways, for the (69) A. elevation B. emotion C. effect D. election [单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following countries at tracts more tourists than the others
A. Italy B. Spain C. France D. Greece. [单项选择] How to be a great test taker
Sometimes it seems that life is just one big test. Pop quizzes. Chapter tests. Final exams. The daunting national examinations for those planning to go to college. You can’’t even get your driver’’s license without passing a test.
"Tests are a part of life,’’ says Judy S. Richardson, professor of reading at Virginia Common wealth University in Richmond, Virginia. "We take tests all of the time. I recently had to take one, even at my age, just to apply for a research grant. We may have to take them to apply for a job; or to joint the armed forces."
Importance of Tests
Tests are not just commonplace; they’’re also important. "Our society places an emphasis on test scores," says Maureen D. Gillette, associate dean of the College of Education at William Paterson University in New Jersey. "Most colleges and universities look at SAT or ACT tests as a measure of a student’’s potential for success in college. Students should
A. Y B. N C. NG [多选题]自燃分为( )
A.受热自燃 B.摩擦自燃 C.本身自燃 D.撞击自燃 E.催化自燃 [多项选择]上市公司发行证券,发行人关于本次证券发行的申请与授权文件包括()。
A. 发行人董事会决议 B. 发行人关于本次证券发行的申请报告 C. 发行公告 D. 发行人股东大会决议 [判断题]公安机关对违反治安管理行为人传唤后应当及时询问查证询问查证时间不得超过12小时。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]依据《山东省生产经营单位安全生产主体责任规定》,生产经营单位应当定期组织安全检查,安全检查应当包括安全生产管理制度健全和落实情况等内容。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]航空器滑行(空中滑行)应当经过
A.机场地面管制员或塔台管制室管制员许可 B.机场地面管制员许可 C.塔台管制室管制员许可 D.进近管制员许可 [单选题]消防安全腰带的设计负荷为(),其质量不超过0.85kg。(易)
A. 1.33kN B. 1.83kN C.2.33kN D.3.33kN [填空题] 注有△W的车辆,调车作业时严格禁止溜放,未设调车指导的车站,应派有业务熟练的( )监督作业,严防违章作业。
[单项选择]下列哪项不属于风湿热诊断标准的主要表现( )
A. 心脏炎 B. 多发行关节炎 C. 舞蹈病 D. 关节痛 E. 皮下结节 [判断题]任何单位或者个人对事故隐患或者安全生产违法行为,均有权向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告或者举报。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]伤员脱离电源后,当发现触电者呼吸微弱或停止时,应立即通畅触电者的气道以促进触电者呼吸或便于抢救。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]______the sun in superstitious awe everywhere in the world.
A. Man has long held B. Long has held man C. Has man long held D. Man has held long [判断题]智能系统是指具备一定智能行为的系统。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交