某建筑公司雇佣的农民工甲不享受工伤保险。甲第一天上班,负责浇筑混凝土的工长乙在没有对其进行任何说明的情况下,安排甲去正在施工的振捣混凝土。工作中,由于振捣棒的剧烈振动加之桥上空间狭窄,甲从桥上掉了下来,摔成重伤。 根据场景(五),回答下列问题: |
Young people are increasingly becoming
aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food,
particularly processed food they eat is not good for health. {{U}} (67)
{{/U}}, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do
not contain chemical additives and {{U}} (68) {{/U}} are not affected by
chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today. Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil rich {{U}} (69) {{/U}} organic matter. In simple terms, this means the soil has been nourished by vegetable matter, which {{U}} (70) {{/U}} it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a /an {{U}} (71) {{/U}} process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose {{U}} (72) {{/U}} is to increase the amount of foods {{U}} (73) {{/U} A. that B. which C. what D. where [单项选择]
Text 4 The city of Venice may not be the obvious place for a call for the moral revival of Europe. This is where Lord Byron used to swim naked down the Grand Canal between pink palaces and swaying gondolas in the early morning hours after nights of carousing. This is where Thomas Mann a century later celebrated the beauty of decline in "Death in Venice". For the past four years, however, Venice has also been home to the "Venice Colloquium", sponsored by the Fondazione Liberal, an Italian free-market group, headed by member of parliament Ferdinando Adornato. The purpose of the event is to bring likeminded Europeans and Americans together in an effort to bridge the transatlantic divide. It is a call to common values, mostly perhaps directed at Europeans, for whom values these days seem like archaic encumbrances. Americans are therefore a great puzzle to many Europeans. So are President Bush and his newly nominated secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice. Man [单选题]氯化铵的祛痰作用机制是
A.使痰量逐渐减少,产生化痰作用 B.增强呼吸道纤毛运动,促使痰液排出 C.使蛋白多肽链中二硫链断裂、降低黏痰黏滞性易咳出 D.使呼吸道分泌的总蛋白量降低,易咳出 E.恶心性祛痰作用 [单项选择]审计单位应在审计项目结束、审计意见书或审计决定签发后()内,以正式文件形式对有关内容在规定范围内进行公告。
A. 7日 B. 10日 C. 15日 D. 30日 [简答题]APOLLO登月飞船有哪几部分组成?
[单选题]2.122. 第122题
远程费控具有电费( )、余额不足提醒、欠费及时停电、交费方便快捷四大功能。 A.实时测算 B.每月测算 C.每日测算 D.自动测算 [单选题] 对轻纺和食品机械上的某些部位,当采用( )润滑时,可有效防止油的滴漏。
A.机械油 B.机床主轴油 C.润滑油 D.齿轮油 [单选题]新参加电气工作的人员、实习人员和临时参加劳动的人员,必须参加安全生产知识教育,并经()后,方可下现场参加指定的工作,并且不得单独工作。
A.考试合格 B.安全教育 C.安全培训 D.技能培训 [多项选择]工业项目可行性研究报告质量标准中市场调查分析情况综合评价包括( )。
A. 对是否符合规模经济论证情况 B. 对产品和原料供求历史、现状调查情况 C. 产品结构和规模符合市场需求的论证情况 D. 产品成本估算依据可靠性情况 E. 制定营销战略情况 [单项选择]