Although it is now possible to bring
most high blood pressure under control, the causes of essential hypertension
remain elusive. Understanding how hypertension begins is at least partly a
problem of understanding when in life it begins, and this may be very
early-perhaps within the first few months of life. Since the beginning of the
century, physicians have been aware that hypertension may run in families, but
before the 1970s, studies of the familial aggregation of blood pressure treated
only populations 15 years of age or older. Few studies were attempted in younger
persons because of a prevailing notion that blood pressures in this age group
were difficult to measure and unreliable and because essential hypertension was
widely regarded as a disease of adults. In 1971, a study of 700 children A. questioning the assumption behind certain experiments involving children under the age of 15 B. describing the new scientific findings about high blood pressure and suggesting some implications C. describing two different methods for studying the causes of high blood pressure D. revealing a discrepancy between the findings of epidemiological studies and laboratory studies on essential hypertension [名词解释]需求的变动
[多选题]下面关于变压器绕组变形试验说法正确的是( )。
A.对于35kV电压等级变压器,宜采用频 响法 B.对于110(66)kV及以上电压等级变压器应同时采用频率响应法和低电压短路阻抗 C.每次测量时,变压器外部应采用不同的接线 D.应在额定分接下测量 E.对于35kV电压等级变压器,宜采用低电压短路阻抗法。 [判断题]桥面以下不影响行车安全的维修作业可在天窗点外进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]提高钢筋混凝土受弯构件刚度的最有效措施是()。
A. 提高混凝土强度等级 B. 增加受拉钢筋的截面面积 C. 加大截面的高度 D. 加大截面的宽度 [判断题]员工申诉方式有来访、信函、电话、电子邮件等方式。
[单选题]新的征程上,我们必须坚持依法治国,坚持社会主义(), 坚持在发展中保障和改善民生,坚持人与自然和谐共生,协同推进人民富裕、国家强盛、中国美丽。
A.理想信念 B.价值观 C.核心价值体系 D.精神体系 [单项选择]The food is {{U}}inadequate{{/U}} for ten people.
A. demanded B. qualified C. insufficient D. required [判断题]厦门2号线电客车列车上电情况下,零速信号突然丢失时,门控器控制车门执行关门动作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]脑出⾎病⼈出现昏迷加深与瞳孔不等⼤提示为脑疝形成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )对于纠纷相当于垄断对于()
A.调解;市场 B.经济;价格 C.磋商;议会 D.劳动;权力 [单选题] 驾驶机动车通过铁路道口时,最高速度不能超过多少?
A.15公里/小时 B.20公里/小时 C.30公里/小时 D.40公里/小时 [多选题]消贷易卡不得开通( )等财富类功能。
A.三方存管 B.储蓄国债(电子式) C.理财 D.基金 [单选题]组织和指导老年人开展健身康复操活动时,下列注意事项不正确的是 ( )。
A. 应在与家属或医生确认老年人身体状况是否允许 B. 要掌握好运动时间,避免运动过量 C. 注意保护老年人安全,发现异常只报告医生,不用告知家人 D. 应随时与老年人交流健身康复操的掌握情况 [判断题] 在用火作业过程中,当作业内容或环境条件发生变化时,应立即停止作业,许可证同时废止。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交