Questions 144-146 refer to the
following advertisement. How would you like to save 50% on a rental car Contact National Car Rental today! You pay just half the usual rate on weekend rentals of compact cars. What a deal! But you have to hurry! This special {{U}} (144) {{/U}} is available only for a short time. National Car Rental also has luxury cars, trucks, and sports utility vehicles, and all are {{U}} (145) {{/U}} with air-conditioning, a radio, and a CD player. With offices at every major airport and in neighborhoods throughout the city, there is always a National Car Rental location close to you. Renting a car from us is easy. Call now to reserve your {{U}} (146) {{/U}}and be sure to ask about the 50% discount. Note that this discount does not include insurance and is only available on certain week A. (A) equip B. (B) equipped C. (C) equipping D. (D) equipment [单选题]参与公司系统所承担电气工作的外单位或外来人员应熟悉本规程,经考试合格,并经( )认可,方可参加工作。
A.相关单位分管领导 B.设备运维管理单位 C.安全监督管理部门 D.调度控制中心 [单项选择]与人有关的普列昂疾病有()
A. 家族克雅氏病 B. 家族库鲁病 C. 家族性致死失眠症 D. 以上全部是 [单项选择]糖异生的底物不包括()
A. 乳酸 B. 丙酮酸 C. 葡萄糖 D. 甘油 E. 生糖氨基酸 [单项选择]下列物质不是嘧啶核苷酸抗代谢物的是()
A. 6-巯基嘌呤 B. 5-氟尿嘧啶 C. 氮杂丝氨酸 D. 甲氨蝶呤 E. 阿糖胞苷 [单选题]应用担架式心肺复苏机调节气量时应注意颜色区分,儿童所需的气量区域()
A.红色 B.黄色 C.绿色 D.蓝色 [多项选择]典型萎缩性鼻炎的病理改变是()。
A. 黏膜和骨部血管发生海绵状静脉丛炎 B. 闭塞性动脉内膜炎 C. 黏膜,脾体,骨膜和骨质萎缩,纤维化 D. 黏膜上皮鳞状上皮化 E. 以上都对 [判断题]根据《关于印发浙江省优化营商环境用电报装便利化行动方案的通知》(浙能源〔2019〕21 号 ),严格执行“四免”原则,凡在办理其他涉电业务时已经提交的材料,免提供。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]使用电话闭塞法行车时,列车占用闭塞区间的行车凭证为路票,司机在闭塞车站须拿到路票后凭( )动车。
A.路票 B.发车手信号 C.行调命令 D.地面信号 [判断题]电源开关外壳和电线绝缘有破损不完整或带电部分外露时,可以继续使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]佳讯数字调度通信系统FH98车站分系统主要功能为接入数字化的专用电话、( )、区转机功能。
A.数字用户 B.接入数字调度电话 C.站场通信 D.站车通信 [单项选择]The physicians in a hospital are less important than the nursing staff.
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