The History of Chinese Americans
Chinese have been in the United States for almost two hundred years. In fact, the Chinese had business relations with Hawaii prior to relations with the mainland when Hawaii was not yet part of the United States. But United States investments controlled the capital of Hawaii at that time. In 1788, a ship sailed from Guangzhou to Hawaii. Most of the crewmen were Chinese. They were considered the pioneers of Hawaii. The Immigration Commission reported t A. the skills they acquired at the motherland B. local people’s discrimination against them C. their high employment rates D. their comparatively high pay [多选题]短路熔痕与火烧熔痕的外观区别有( )
A.短路熔痕与本体无明显界线,火烧熔痕与本体有明显界线 B.电弧烧蚀可使金属喷溅,火烧不能使金属喷溅 C.火烧熔痕在另一根导线上有对应点,短路熔痕两根导线上无对应点 D.短路熔痕与本体界线清楚,火烧熔痕与本体无明显界线 E.短路熔痕在另一根导线上有对应点,火烧熔痕两根导线上无对应点 [简答题]1985年5月15日,湖南省委发表文件,宣布新任长沙市委书记到任,这位书记又是谁呢?
[多选题]寄生虫的感染途径主要有( )。
A.经口感染 B.经皮肤感染 C.接触感染 D.经吸血昆虫感染 E.经胎盘感染 [单项选择]In what way was the night of November 9 the best night for Angela Carraro
A. She had a taste of adventure. B. Burning candles brightened the place. C. Business was better than usual. D. Many people stayed the night in her restaurant. [填空题]
[单选题]Windows xp 中,当屏幕上有多个窗口时,那么活动窗口 。( )
A.可以有多个窗口 B.只能是固定的窗口 C.是没有被其他窗口盖住的窗口 D.是有一个标题栏颜色与众不同的窗口 [多项选择]受交流回路断线影响的保护有()。
A. 距离保护 B. 母差保护 C. 过流保护 D. 零序保护 我来回答: 提交