Questions 11 to 13 are
based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15
seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage. |
Although you’ll probably live longer than you imagine, don’t count on being healthier. The need for and the cost of health care typically increase dramatically as you age. On average, for example, a 40-year-old man consumes about $2,000 a year in health care services, whereas a typical 75-year-old consumes five times that much. That’s why, as the population ages, huge inflationary pressures are put on the health care system. How big will those pressures be in the next century Over the past 40 years, health care costs have risen an average of 70 percent faster than the general rise in prices—and that was before the boomers (新定居的人) started to gray. The federal government predicts that by 2030, as boomers enter their 70s and 80s, health care spending will top $16 trillion, representing nearly 1 out of every 3 dollars in the economy. Who will pay the bill No one knows for sure, but it’s a good guess that the next century’s elderly will become res
Questions 196-200 refer to the
following agenda and fax. Central Engineering Company Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, November 15, 20 8:30 A.M.-11:30 A.M. Place: Suite 10 AGENDA 1. Hiring challenges Jorgen Spelman 2. Management changes Narelle Dundee 3. Financial report Madeira Jones 4. Technology upgrades Jerry Carver FAX COVER SHEET CENTRAL ENGINEERING COMPANY 294 Green Street Brasilia Brazil Tel: (55) 61 3420 4015 Fax: (55) 61 3420 4017 To: Ruben Baker From: Narelle Dundee Date: November 15, 20 Pages: 1 Ref: Results of the board meetin A. (A) Hiring challenges B. (B) Management changes C. (C) Finances D. (D) Technology [单选题]改变电网正常运行方式,经计算分析必须满足运行设备热稳定的要求,满足电网()运行要求。
A.低频、低压减负荷装置 B.继电保护及安全自动装置 C.低电压自动补偿装置 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]事故责任依次划分为( )、重要责任、次要责任和同等责任。
A.全部责任、主要责任 B.全部责任、部分责任 C.部分责任、主要责任 D.部分责任、全部责任 [多选题]使用钢丝绳时,应防止( )。
A.划 B.磨 C.碾压 D.过度弯曲 [单项选择]不参与电信管道、电信杆路、通信铁塔联合建设的电信业务经营者,原则上在( )年之内,不得在同路由或同位置建设相同功能的电信设施。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [多项选择]下列哪些人可以提出宣告发明专利权全部无效的请求?()
A. 专利许可合同的被许可人 B. 专利侵权诉讼中的被告 C. 职务发明的发明人 D. 专利权人 [单选题]人民币纸币票面裂口2处以上,长度每处超过( )毫米以上的不宜流通。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [多选题]端子箱接地符合规范要求,端子箱内设一根100平方毫米不绝缘铜排,()、()均接在铜排上,且接地线应不小于4平方毫米,而铜排与主铜网连接线不小于100平方毫米,箱门、箱体间接地连线完好且接地线截面不小于4平方毫米。
A.空开保护 B.电缆屏蔽 C.直流回路 D.箱体接地 [填空题]过渡时期总路线的主体是( )。
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