{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 57 to G1 are based on the following passage.{{/B}} For most people, fat is a burden. It doesn’t really matter where it appears, we just don’t want it. But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it. It’s called brown fat and health experts confirm for the first time that healthy adults have stores of this tissue, which researchers hope to study further as a potential new weight-loss treatment. Human newborns have been known to have any significant deposits of brown fat, so called because of its abnormally high concentration of dark---colored mitochondria (线粒体), the engines that sustain cell activity. The primary purpose of brown fat is to regulate body temperature: the mito A. A.Why brown fat can not necessarily help to lose weight. B.Why people will feel hungry. C.Why people is eating more food than before. D.Whether drug companies can manage to activate brown fat. [判断题]物料需求计划的英文简称是MRP。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列各项中,属于纳税调整增加额的有( )。
A. 税收滞纳金 B. 前五年内的未弥补亏损 C. 超过税法规定标准的职工福利费 D. 国债利息收入 [单项选择]住宅销售价格指数的现行对比基期为______
A. 2008年 B. 2009年 C. 2010年 D. 2011年 [判断题]PRACH信道仅支持开环功率控制
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]贸易政策审议机构
[单选题]不得在( )内改建公共娱乐场所
A.闲置车间 B.闲置仓库 C.市场 D.居民楼 [多选题]火场基本安全因素主要是指火场常见的( )等危害因素。
A.火焰; B.高温; C.浓烟; D.缺氧; E.爆炸; [单选题]下列关于行政强制措施的执行正确的是( )
A.行政强制措施应当由行政机关具备资格的行政执法人员实施,可以由其他人员实施 B.行政强制措施应当由行政机关具备资格的行政执法人员实施,其他人员不得实施 C.行政强制措施应当由行政机关具备资格的行政执法人员实施,可以委托其他人员实施 D.行政强制措施由行政机关的行政执法人员实施,其他人员不得实施 我来回答: 提交