该影像的锐利度为() Kuwait is a country which is quite
small, but which is very rich. It has a population of a little more than a
million and it is situated at the north end of the Persian Gulf, between Iraq on
the north and Saudi Arabia on the south. This small desert country is one of the
world’s leading oil producers and it has about 15 percent of the world’s known
petroleum (石油) reserves. Since the discovery of oil in 1938, Kuwait rulers
have turned the country into a prosperous(繁荣) welfare (福利) state. It has
free primary and secondary education, free health care and social services, and
the Kuwait do not have to pay any personal income tax for those services. The
rate (比率) of literacy (识字,有文化) is high and constantly growing. The University of
Kuwait was opened in 1966, but many of the Kuwait students still study in
colleges and universities abroad, A. Less than 100 000. B. More than 20 000. C. 100000. D. 10000 or so. [判断题]在固定地点安装的铁路信号叫固定信号。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人民政府有关部门对安全生产工作实施的综合监督管理和监察管理,由于是依法行使的监督管理权,它就是以国家作为后盾的,这是安全生产监督监察的( )。
A.权威性 B.强制性 C.全面性 D.普遍约束性 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定:动车餐车实行( ),并提供订、送餐服务。
A.国家标准 B.定时 C.行业标准 D.不间断营业 [单项选择]引起网织红细胞减少的贫血是()
A. 巨幼细胞贫血 B. 缺铁性贫血 C. 再生障碍性贫血 D. 溶血性贫血 E. 失血性贫血 [单选题]( )即操作者自身以外的人和事给予的反馈,有时也称结果知识。
A.内部反馈 B.外部反馈 C.动觉反馈 D.过程反馈 [单选题]C70、C70H、C70E、C70EH型敞车局部地板面承受货物重量,当两枕梁直接承受货物重量且两枕梁承受的货物重量相等时,全车装载重量可以达到()。
A.车辆容许载重量 B.65吨 C.66吨 D.车辆标记载重量 [单选题]课程计划的中心问题是( )。
A.开设哪些学科 B.各门学科开设的顺序 C.各门学科的教学时间 D.各门学科的教学方法 [单选题](),通常按照搜集相关信息、分析判断情况、作出预测结论、发布预警信息的程序进行。
A.安全预测 B.风险评估 C.伤情评估 D.灾害评估 我来回答: 提交