In July 1994, the comet(彗星)
Shoemaker-Levy 9 smashed into the planet Jupiter. For the first time, humans
were able to witness exactly what happens when a celestial(天空的) body collides
with a planet and it quickly became clear that survival was no longer entirely a
question of being the "fittest". A new factor had been introduced into
evolution: the ability to survive a collision between the earth and an asteroid
(小行星) or comet. To most people, the risk remains academic. With all the dangers humans face -- sickness, accidents- it is understandable that people don’t take seriously the risks posed by something that hasn’t happened for 65 million years and may not happen for another 65 million years. However, many scientists believe that collisions between the earth and celestial bodies cannot be regarded as "just another risk". A. they are larger in size B. they are closer to the earth C. they are larger in number D. they are easier to change their orbits [单项选择]面向对象分析与设计技术中,()是类的一个实例。
A. 对象 B. 借口 C. 构件 D. 设计模式 [判断题]无缝线路钢轨折损严重或断缝大于50 mm时,应进行紧急处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]党的十九大报告指出,深化国有企业改革,发展( )所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。
[多选题]在客户侧开展()、()、()、分布式电源、充(换)电设备检修(试验)、综合能源等相关工作,可根据客户有关规定, 执行客户方准许在电气设备上工作的书面安全要求,供电方作业人员保留 备份。
A.A. 电能计量 B.B.业扩报装 C.C .用电检查 D.D. 设备安全 [单选题] 依据《生产安全事故应急预案管理办法》,对于危险性较大的场所装置或者设施,生产经营单位应当编制哪种应急预案?()
A.综合应急预案 B.应急救援方案 C.专项应急预案 D.现场处置方案 [多选题]《中国铁路南昌局集团有限公司车务系统劳动安全作业标准》(Q/CRNCTZ013-2017)规定,严禁穿着()鞋子上班。
A.高跟鞋 B.拖鞋 C.硬底的易滑鞋 D.凉鞋 [单选题]火灾现场勘验人员应对现场中的尸体进行表面观察,主要内容是尸体的位置.().损伤.烧毁特征.烧毁程度.生活反应.衣着等
A.样貌 B.朝向 C.年龄 D.姿势 [多选题]下列原因可能导致空气呼吸器吸气时没有空气或阻力过大的是()。
A.气瓶阀未开足 B.中压软管阻塞 C.减压器故障 D.压力显示装置、中压安全阀与减压器连接处泄漏 E.报警器与减压器连接处泄漏 我来回答: 提交