{{B}} Health
Care in the US {{/B}} Health care in the US is well-known but very expensive. Paying the doctor’s bill after a major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the US, a person’s company, not the government, pays for health insurance. Employers have contracts with insurance companies, which pay for all or part of employees’ doctors’ bills. The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly. It all depends on what insurance the employer pays. The less the boss pays to the insurance company, the more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick. In 2004, the average worker paid an extra US$558 a year, according to a San Francisco report. The system also means many American [单选题]吊件应设控制绳。坑内预制构件吊起找正时,施工人员应站在吊件()。
A.前方 B.后方 C.侧面 D.下方 [单选题] 每日18:00(6:00)前,列车调度员根据日班计划向管辖区段各站下达开行超长列车调度命令,由( )向司机转达。
A.机务段 B.始发站 C.编组站 D.区段站 [单选题]交流电路中,某元件电流的( ) 值是随时间不断变化的量。
A.有效 B.平均值 C.瞬时 D.最大 [单选题]下列不需要去枕仰卧位的病人是 ( )
A.昏迷病人 B.脊髓腔穿刺者 C.椎管内麻醉 D.全麻术后未清醒者 E.呼吸困难者 [判断题]严肃与谨慎相结合政策的具体应用是坚持稳、准、狠。“狠”,就是要依法给犯罪分子以严厉打击,使之受到应有的惩处,做到该杀的要坚决杀,毫不留情;该捕的要坚决捕,不能漏网;该从重从快的,毫不犹豫迟疑。( )
A.1/6 B.1/4 C.1/3 D.1/8 E.1/5 [单选题]行车险性及以上事故和职工因工伤亡事故按()考核。
A.件数 B.事故率 C.故障率 D.信号障碍 [单选题]不符合心源性水肿的是
A.水肿从眼睑开始 B.水肿呈凹陷性 C.体循环淤血导致水肿 D.水肿部位易发生溃烂 E.摄入钠盐过多可加重水肿 我来回答: 提交