Many people are worried about what
television has done to the generation of American children who have grown up
watching it. For one thing, recent studies show that TV weakens the ability to
imagine. Some teachers feel that television has taken away the child’s ability
to form mental pictures in his own mind, resulting in children who cannot
understand a simple story without pictures. Secondly, too much TV too early
usually causes children to be removed from real-life experiences. Thus, they
grow up to be passive watchers who can only respond to action, but not start
doing something actively. The third area for such a worrying situation is the
serious dissatisfaction frequently expressed by school teachers that children
show a low patience for the pains in learning. Because they have been used to
seeing results of all problems in 30 or A. what bad effects TV programs have on children B. how children like frightening TV programs C. how to prevent children from watching TV D. what teachers think of today’s children [判断题]劳改队是国家的刑罚执行机关,负责死刑缓期二年执行和无期徒刑、有期徒刑的执行。
A. 8mm B. 10mm C. 12mm D. 15mm [判断题]计量器具是计量仪器量具及标准物质的总称,一般分为直读式、比较式和差值式三种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]饱和器前含氨量为(___)g/m3.
A.4~5 B.6~8 C.8--10 [单选题]励磁系统灭磁时,事故停机解列,采用( )灭磁。
A.线性电阻灭磁 B.非线性电阻灭磁 C.可控硅逆变 D.全控桥整流灭磁 [不定项选择题]心理学家黎格曼在一项研究中让参加实验的工人用力拉绳子并测拉力,实验包括三种情境一个工人单独拉。人一组一起拉,八人一组一起拉。结果发现一个工人单独拉时,人均拉力为63千克三人一起拉时,人均拉力为53千克;八人一起拉时,人均拉力只有31千克,还不到一个人单独拉时的一半
A.控制团体规模 B.向员工提供更多的技术手段 C.单独衡量团体中每个人的贡献 D.让团体成员感觉到自己工作对团体的重要性 [单选题]旅客同时提出变更座别、铺别和越站,办理时使用一张代用票,()手续费。
A.按最高标准核收一次 B.分别核收 C.不收 D.按最低标准核收三次 [单选题]公务系统检查设备板卡状态,指示灯红色表示()。
A.正常状态 B.故障状态 C.忙(工作中) D.以上均不正确 我来回答: 提交