This is the "designer" age. People in the West talk
of designer labels and designer violence. The word "designer" has become an
adjective loaded with the symbolism and imagery of the consumer society. For the
first time in history, it is possible to live a "designer lifestyle"— if you can
afford it. But what does the word "design" mean The subject of design covers a wide range of activities, from materials technology at the hard end to styling and marketing at the soft end. The number of people who have made a contribution to the history of design at any of these levels is vast. Actually the term can also be confined to meani A. A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]
为保证电力系统安全稳定运行,在做系统试验之前必须提前( )天向华东网调提交试验方案和试验计算分析报告; A. 10; B. 15; C. 20; D. 30; [单选题]《配电安规》带电作业工具使用前应根据( )校核机械强度,并满足规定的安全系数。
A.A-使用要求 B.B-工作负荷 C.C-使用状态 D.D-工作强度 [填空题]从数据规划的过程和内容分析可见, 【5】 比集中数据规划更复杂。
[单项选择]Please tell me ______.
A. it is where B. where it is C. where is it [单项选择]下列不是早期食管癌的临床表现的是()。
A. 进食时胸骨后不适或疼痛 B. 食管内异物感 C. 进行性吞咽困难 D. 食物停滞感 E. 进食时胸骨后烧灼感 [单选题]火灾探测器全部清洗,并做响应阈值及其他必要的功能试验的时间是()。
A.投入运行2年后 B.投入运行2年后每隔3年 C.每隔3年 D.每年 [简答题]你是国税局的员工。某天你正在办公,一个昨天刚来办理过业务的群众来找你,反映自从昨天在你处办理完业务后,就接到各类短信。群众怀疑是你泄露了他的个人隐私,你应该怎么做?
A.系好安全带灯 B.洗手间内返回座位灯 C.“NO SMOKING” D.全部都不对 [单选题]对于无配套电网工程的低压非居民客户,在正式受理用电申请后,( )内完成装表接电工作;对于有业扩配套工程的低压非居民客户,在工程完工当日装表接电。
A.1个工作日 B.2个工作日 C.3个工作日 D.5个工作日 [单项选择]
In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words, which makes up the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words (56) which we become familiar in daily conversation, which we (57) , that is to say, from the (58) of our own family and from our friends, and (59) we should know and use (60) we could not read or write. They (61) the common things of life with all the people who (62) the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the people (63) and are not excluded (64) a limited class. 我来回答: 提交